Page 50 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 50

46             OV I!:RSEA  MAILS :  PARCJ•:l.S 1  U .S. A.
                Tob:<rco, uumanufaclurcd, containing 10% or  more of moist ure   .£  ~.  d.
                   If stemmed or Alripp<id               per lb .   0  7  5i
                   It unstemmed or unstrippctl   . .      "        0  7  5~
                Tobacco. tmrnanufncturcd containiug less than 10%  of moi~t
                  If stemmed or stripped                  "        0  8  3t
                  If unslemmcd or unstripped              "        0  S  2i
                Rum,  if warehoused for 3 years   . .   JX'r pr<•?,f :p!Jon   3  13  10
                Do.  if warehoused over 2 and under 3 years        3  14  10
                Do.  if warehoused under 2  years         u        :3  1.5  4
                 Pnrccls  will  be  ncccpted  in  Gre:~t Bril!•in  for  dcli1·cry  in  J:unniet~ free  of Cu~loms
                duty on  conditions similar to the  foregoing.  Such  parcels nrc linblc to examimtl ion  on
               nrriv:ll  for Customs purposes,  and all  pnins nud  pcnalti<•s  att::~ching for  undcrvuluaLion
               or misrepresentntion of contents or to prohibited :.;oods 11 ill IJc  enforced l\gniust the goods
                themselves or•dnst tho j)t\l'f ies u.ssuming  the ch:Lrgc, as m!IY  be de<·idetl  by the  proper
               nu thorities.
                 C.- Com.peltSalion  for  loss  or  damage  of  UNINSUHI~Il  pm·cr/s  betu·ecn  Great  Britain
               and Jamaica.  The Postmaster for Jsunni<:a will (not in COIJScquencc of :my Jcgnl liability,
               but. v•>lurrtnrily, and a~ an net of grace) gil·e compcnl;ation for the loss or dalllll{,'C of twin-
               surcd  parcels  sent  by  pnrccl  post  b~twcen  Gr<·"l  Hlil' in  nnd  J:unnica,  when  such
               loss or damage takes place while I he parcels nrc in his custody, and do(s not arise from nny
               fnult  or neglect of the senders or from I he nnturc of the contents.
                 The  compens.<ttion  paid  will in no case exceed £1.
                 The compensation pnynble will  in accordnnce \lilh the general regulations ns rcgurds
               insured  parcels  (sec  ul>o,·e),  so far  as  these  rtt)ulations  arc  applicable.
                 0.-Undr./iuercd P11rcds.  l'ndciivered  parcels  orip;in:1tiu~,:  in  c; ..... t  Brit·•in  Me
               returned to the sendc1·s at their c'pcnse unh•ss the sender hns indicated by a  note on the
               pnrccl thnt. he wishes iL  to be aiJaHdoncd in the cnse of non-deli\'cry.  The sender mny also
               direct  t hnt n  parcel, if undclil·cruulc at the  first  address.  may be delivered at n  sccoud
               address.  Jf not drlivercd nt. the second address ptlrcels will be <icult with ns abo\·c sl::~tcd.
               They nrc hcl<l  for  15 days for  cnch nddrcss before  being disposed  of.
                 F r r Pmhibition•. '''" p;.p:~ 4·1, 4~ und -~·!'.
                        111.-Uni tcd State:. of America and the Canal Zone.
                 Cigars  and  cigarettes  nrc  ndmilled  to  the  Cnifcd  8tnt<•s  through  the  parcels  post
               on condition thnt ci~ars wci~hinJ!: more  tbun 3  pounds per lhou!'.qnd nre put  up in boxes
               (ne\\')  not before  us~d for  that purpose.  containing respccti\'cly.  3. 5, 7.  10,  12,  13. 20,
               25,  50.  100.  200,  250,  or 500 cigars c::~cb: und  thnt cignretlcs  (including  small  ci;;ars
               weighing not more  th:ln  3  pounds  per  thousnnd)  nre  put  up  in  packages  or  parcels
               containing 5, 8,  JO,  12,  Hi,  20,  2-1,  40.  50, 80, or  100 cip:arcttcs e:1ch.
                 Letters,  post cards and written  m:<ttcr  of  the nnturc of per~on:d corrcapond~nce must
               not  be  enclosed  in  ''  parcel.
                 If such  be  found the letter will be placed in the mnil~, if~cparabit•; nnd. if the letter be
               inseparably attached, the whole pncbg~ will be rejcctctl.  If.  ho11 CI'CI', any such should
               inndl'<>rtently be forwnrded , the country of destinntion will  coll~cl double rnte of po~tnl!e,
                 A  p:;rcrl  may not contain nny olber  parcel  intCJlt!Cd  fo1·  <l<•ih·<"r,v  :1t  nn  addrc>'S  other
               thnn that borne by the pnrccl itM!If.  Jf such enclo~~d pnrtel be detcctl'd it  mu>t be sent
               ronmrd singly. char~ted with u~w nud distinct parcel post rat<.'~.
                 A parcel for L'nited States nnd Canal Zone may be r<IJi,.•.rrd on like conditions to those
               that go,·ern the rc;:istralion or oth<·r correspondence; nud on payment of the sum of two
               pence additional ro the first chnr::e, the Sl'ndcr can ol>trdn :~receipt for such parcel fl'f\m th~
               addressee, but p:~rccls for  thu united Sl:!tcs and  the Cunni  Zone may not be iu,ured.
                 Parcels must  be so cnrcfully  pncked as to be sttfcly transmitted in the mail~ uf ••it her
               country, both in going to  the Post Office ol' exch:mgc or the country of ori2:in, :ts welt as
               to the office of ncltii'CES of the country of destination.   l'nrcd~ m:1y  be seaiPd or faslcnctl
               by  means of  nails and >'<'rews.
                There  is colleclcd from the addressee at time  of deJiv, ry  of every parcel po~L pa<·kngc
               n  delivery  fee of 5 cen•s r.nd a  custom' clenr:mcc  chargl' of 10 cents in  addition to  :my
               other charges accrued.
                If more than one parcel is sen~ at one time to ono ~ddrcesec, the sender should number
               the parcels conseeutil'ciy and should indicate on each pnre<·l the number of puce Is forming
               the consignment.  For instance. if the consignment  consisls of three parcels, the parcels
               should be numbered" l /3," "2/3," "3!3," respecth'e!y.  H  the \':tlue of the goods (exclu-
               sive of  papers such ns stocks, lxlnds, etc., of no commercial \'!due)  conbined in n  parcel
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