Page 48 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 48

44            OVERSEA  MAILS:  PARCI<:.LS,  ll\SURANCE.
                 No  parcel  can  be  insured  for  more  than  the  actuol value d  the contents and the
               pnckin~ for  more than the sum ~ntcr<Xl in the 1'oble ofR:ItC~ (pp. 52 to 61, col. 6) nguinst
               the  nrrnc  of  the  Country  or Cokny to which it is addressed; but it may be insured  for
               part or it>!  vuluc.
                 A  p1rccl  contain in;:  coin  or  bullion  or jewellery (see footnote•) cnonol be sent to any
               Foreign  Country  or  Briti~h  Po:<srs.•iCio  included  in  thl'  insur •nee  system  unles~ it is
               insured  for  AS  much  of the journey as thl' rPgulrLI.ions permit, nnd for al lcast port of itP
               value.  Every  such  pnrcel  must  be  ~nclo£ed in  n. str0ng box or ca.•e (measuring, if the
               contents  nre  jewellery  exceeding  £100  in  value,  at. lenst 3 f(•ct 6 inches in length and
               girth  combined),  must  be  ~cwn up. or otherwise fastened in a wrnppcr of linen, crnvns,
               &lrong  p• p~r,  or  nth•·r  substuntial  malcrid.  nnd  mu~t bwc th~ :rtltlrtss written on i t.~
               nctunl  covering.  'J.'he  seals  mu~t bP phced along the edges of l'acb  join or loose flop at
               distances of  net more th~n three inche.s ~part.
                 Special attention is directed to  the  fact  that  coins  of  a  value  higher  than  £5
               (except with a  declaration indicating that they are intended to serve  as  ornaments),
               gold in ingot  of a  value higher than £5, and silver in ingots or silver partially worked
               of a value higher than £20 may not  be  sent  to  Great  Britain or to any country via
               Great Britain by Parcel-post  Mail  unde.r  any  circumstances.  See  "Prohibitions,"
               page 49.
                 No  legnllinhility to pay compcn~ation in rcsp~ct of any packet for which an  insure nee
               fee  hns  been  p11id  attaches to I be Pcslmaster General, eit.her  personRIIy er in his dficial
       Subject,  however,  to  the  cnnditicns  set out below, the PoS\mastcr-Gcneral
               pays to  the  sender ccmpcnwti<-n  fr r  the loss or dom•ge  of  an  insured  packet  or  its
               contents,  when  it  is  cl~arly  estllblishrd  that.  th~ loss rr damage has occurred while the
               packet. was in the cu•tody cf the British Post Office.
                 On  t b~  transfer  <f  an  insured  pocke~ to nMihP.r administration, the responsibility cf
               the  British  Post  Office  cease~;  r•nd,  althnugh  the  Postmnster-Gcnrrd  cndrnv~urs to
               ul>t11in  compc.nsqti<>n  for  the  ~ender under  similar conditi0ns from  the Administration
               c~nrcrned,  it  should  be clearly understood that the final decision upon all questions of com-
               pensation  rests  with  the  Postal  Administration ot the country in  which the loss or damage
               has occurred.
                 Compcns1tinn  will  net  exceed  the  value  Cif  the  nrticlll  lost  or  !be amrunt of the
               dam1ge  ~ustn incd nn rl indirect lo~~ or J,Jss d  prdits will not be loken in\o consideration.
                 In  ~ ny chim  ford m·· ge or loss of cc>n'ents, the p~ckct shruld  be retained for inspec-
               tion as ne:1rly as possible in t he conditiPn in which it w~s delivered.
                 The sender of n porcol may w· ivc hi~ cl  im in fa,·our of the addressee.
                 No compens!ltion will be pnid in re~pect of:-
                  (1~ :ony packet c~nhning a prt hlbi!ed ~rticl~;
                  (2  any packPt  which h1s b~cn duly delivered and accepted with0ut. rest•rvr;
                  (3  nny d~m,gc or  loss c:•us~d by the  f  ult  M  n~gligence  of  the  send(•r,  such  as
                     f"ilure  to  provide  adequ \tc  packing,  h:tving  regard  to  the  D!\ture  of  the
                  (4)  ·toy d• m•gr to :on cxcl'pti,.n•lly  fr•gile  :u·licle  which  from  its  nature  cannot
                     reason  bly b~ expected to tr2,·el s~ fely by post;
                  (5) nny  p:lrc<•l  c· n•· ining  jewellPry  exceeding  £100  in  vnlu~ not  packed  in
                     accord• nee with  t h~ speci· 1 rrguh!i  ~;
                  (6)  Hny  po1rc~l  cnn'· ining  Pn  erticlr  d  a  type  sprcifi•d  in  London  Post  Office
                     Guide  (col.  6,  "Imperial  and  Foreign  Parcel  Post")  as  one  for  whirh  cvm-
                     pPns  ti ~n will nnt. be paid; or
                  (7) nny p~ckft in respect of which a chim i~ Mt m:·dr within  a  year  of  !.he  date
                     of posting;
               nor d '>Cs it foii'Jw  "! n matter of cnu..,;c that cnmpc·nsatirn ";u bf paid wh•n  dnmage  or
               Ios~ ari~es frrm  tl'lnpcst, shipwreck. rnrthquokc, war, or  ~ ny other cause beyond  con trol,
                •The t.erm "jewellery" rne•ns ~ nd include~-
                  (a)  G' Id.  sihw,  or  pl •linum  in  n  m~ uufBct ured  state; lh:1t is b  say, a stnte in
                     which  v  lue  i•  •<id ·<I  t~ •h• r>w rn~~ri  1 by skillrd w11rkm~millip; and in this
                     -:kfini!i" n ore includ<d  r ny cri us used  or  dc•ign•d for  the purpo•os of orn mcnt ;
                  (b)  Di  m'~nd• :mcl  precie>us ~t.· nes;
                  (c)  Watches, the  rases  of  which  arc  ~ntirely  or  m!linly composed of gold, silver or
                     phtinum; nnd
                  (d)  Any  article  of  a  liko  nature  which, apart from workm~ nship, has an inl.rinsic
                     or m9rkctable  vslue
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