Page 49 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 49

              " r whrn the Post Office cannot account for a packet in ccno<•qu~nc~ of tho d('~tmclinn of
               offici:d documents fr0m nny such  c:l u~c.
                Th~ fee mu•t be prep~id, in  addition to the lull  postage, by  means  of  postage  stamps
               which the sender must vffix to the cover.
                As few stnmp~ ns possibl~ should  be used to  prcpny  the  poslngc  nnd  insurnnce  fee.
               They  mny not be folded over the edge of the cov~r; and,  when
               are used, they must be nffixed with spaces between them.
                Wh~n an in.,ured parcel is rcdirectrd frllm one cnuntry to an()ther, n further insurance fee
               b.~comc~ pay: bh~ for c:tc h such tmnsrnission.  If the fees arc not prepaid th~y urc collected
               from the addressee on deliw,ry.
                           Special  t?cgulati ons:- 11. Great Britain.
                A .- Cash  on Delivery  System.  A  Cash on Delivery System of parcels is  in  existence
              between this Colony and Great Britain.
                Parcels up to the value of £40 encb may be sent either way, and the value collected from
               the addressee, and remitted  to the sender.
                In addition to the 6d.  Customs  clearance  fee, a  further service fee  of 3d. is collected
               on each  C.  0. D.  parcel.
                ~ Cash on Dcliver.y pnrcel may. on~y be ret~ined ~I t.ho office ?'destination for  15 days
               from  the date of arm•al,  after  which  tf  unclauned  tt  ts forthwtth  returned to  origin.
               TLis fact is emphasized  bcc"use  certain firms abroad represent that C.O.D. parcels aro
               retaiued for  a  longer period  before  being returned.  Requests for  longer  detentions will
               not be entertained, nor will  part payment be accepted from  the addressee; the full  amount
               of duty, trade charges, and all other fees  must be remitted  to the head office before the
               parcel can bC  forwarded.
                B.-Prepayment  of  CuJ/oms  Duties  and  other  chargeJ  on  Parcels  Post  Parcels  to
               Great  Britain.  Persons  sending  parcels  to  Gt·~at  Bri' ain  may,  if  they  so  desire,
               take upon themselves the prepayment  of the Customs duty and other charges which in
               ordinary  cases  are  leviable  on  the addressee.  The sender wiU  be told  at the time of
               posting what the approximate amount of tlw·r. charges will be and a deposit will be 1akcn
               of the estimated amount.  A  set.tlement will subsequently be made when a  statement of
               the total amount of the charges has been received from  the  British  Post Office.  The
               following  are  the  conditions:-
                Parcels  to  be sent  under  this  arrangement  must  be handed  in at  the  Parcels  Post
               Branch at Kingston, or at any district post office.
                The cover mu•i be marked by the sender "To be delivered free of charge."
                The sender  must fill  up and sign a  formal undertaking to pay on demand the amount
               of  the  charges due.  Forms for this declaration may be had on applic .tion lo the Parcel
               Post  Branch  at  Kingston.
                Parcels for free delivery will only be accepted from persons whose settled residence is in
               Jamaica.  If the  sender  is  residing  only  temporarily in  Jamaica  a  parcel  cannot  be
               accepted  for  delivery free of  charge.
                A fee of ls. per parcel is charged  for  the  cost of the service in addition  to the posta~e
               aud  deposit  for  duty.  If the  parcel  prove  duty-free in  Great  Brit.oin  the  sum  of
               ls.  will be refunded to the sender.
                The sender must make such deposit on account of t.he charges for which he desires to
               provide  as the clerk  in  charge  of t he  Parcel  Post Branch  at  Kingston  or the dist rict
               postmaster  may, in each case, decide.
                One  form  of undertaking  will  suffice for  two  or three (but not  more)  parc~ls posted
               together by t.he same sender to the same addressee.  In such cases the  fee will  be J.s. for
               each  parcel.
                The  following  are  the  articles  liable  to  duty  under  tbe  British  Tariff  which
               arc likely to be despatched from Jamaica by parcels post, together with  th~ rates of duty,
               (and in the case of tobacco, of certai11  fines) thereoo.  These rates are subject to comider-
               nble  change  and should  be read  as  approzimate:-
                                                                 £  s.  d.
               Coffee, kiln dried, rosste<l  or ground   per lb.   0  0  2
               Tobacco, manufactured, viz.:
                 Cigars                                          0  14  2t
                 Cigarettes                                      011  5\
                 Cavendish or Negrohead                          0  10  9~
                 Other manufactured  to bac~o          per lb.   0  9  4i
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