Page 52 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 52


                The following articles may be imported only under special conditions, of which parti-
               culars can be obtained from lhc Official Secretary, Commonwealth of Austral in, Austr~lin
               House,  Strand, London, W.C. 2:-Brushes composed  of  hair if mnnuf:1clured  in  certain
               Eastern  Countries, cotton seed and cotton lint; dyes not of British  origin;  fruits, bides
               and  skins;  lymph  and  v!lccine;  meal and  meat  products;  morbid  cultures and  viruses;
               pl11nts  nod  parts  of  plants  other  than tobncco plants; potatoes; spirits  (except
               when  sent as samples or for  the private u se of the importe r);
               tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and s nuff; sugar; vines.
                B~:x.oruM.-Btunples of spirits in  less quantities than  2  litres.
                Bouvu.-Brandy; alcohol;  tobacco in any form.
                Bn. GuiANA.-Bpirits;  tobacco  (except  for  private  use  of  importer).
                Br. HoNDURAS.-Tobacco packed with other goods, tobacco sweetened, sacchnrinc, etc.
                CANADA.- Spirituous and intoxicating  lillliOrs of all  kinds:  ndulterated  tea;  prison  made
               goods; trade labels in  metal; skins and other parts of wild  birds; bees,  used  or secoud-
               h~nd hives, raw hive goods or  products except honey or wax; pot ate es; all nursery stock,
               including trees, shrubs, plants, vines, grafts, scions, cuttings or buds except under permit
               issued  by the  Canadian  Department of Agriculture at Montreal.
                ECIJADOR.-Sugar cane,  brandy or its  combinations,  nnd  t,obacco  (subject  to  restric-
               tion~) .
                EoYPT.-Artificial tobacco; seeds and juice or extract of tobacco, raw or refined sugar.
                FRANCE.-Tobacco, except in limited quantities for addressee's use, essence of tobr.cco;
                lTALY.-Tob~cco,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                PAN.t.\IA.-swcets, paste, fats and substances which easily liquefy.
                PEnu.-Tobncco and  saccharine,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                PHILIPPINE  IsLANDs.-8arne as U.S.A., except that cigars  and cigarettes arc admitted
               without restrictions as to quantity  contained  in  single  package.
                RouMANIA.-Tobacco,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                o;wEDEN.-Tobacco,  spirits  'md  wines,  subject to special  rPstriction•.
                Gnu·p BnJTAIN- I. Rugs unci  bedding; soiled clothing; shwing bru~hc<; mnde in Jnpnn
               or  ~xported fr<>m  hpun~ h'tir of anim~ls 'md  wool coming from Ash or Egypt  (including
               the  Sudm);  nil  advcrtiscnwnts concerning t he t reatmen t of  v~ncred discus~s 0r  rd:ttive
               to  any  prepa.,ttions  intended  to  prevent,  cure,  or  r~liovc th~m , except in lhe case nf
               articles  addressed  solely  to  pr"cticing  physichns  or  to duly qu· lifi,d ch~mist~ for the
               needs  of  th~ir  preCession:  Sec "Liste des objets interdits."  p. 347 BI 2  (b)  (3);  liquids
               er  substauccs  for  nn1lysis  or medical  cxumin·•tion;  p·tthol< gical  specim~ns;  ten  unfit
               for  hurn~n con•urnptinn;  tr!l  exh·1u5ted  or  mixed  wi' h  Olh"r  "ubt~:tnc~~,  except  by
               special  permission  er  t he  Com~ioncrs of  Cusloms  and  ExcisP;  butlN,  m~rg1rmr,
               mnrg•rinc  chCt'se,  milk,  cr<-run,  !lnd  condcn•cd  milk,  cxc• pt. in  exccu' ion  of  t he
               provi~i<·ns of  the t.nd regubtions relat ive t hereto, and  unlc~ p~ckrd in hcrmclicnlly
               ~en led tins bearing ~ conspicuous  mark indicating  the n••turc of t heir c<>ntcnts.
                IT.  Skins, h•>rm, hoofs or nny othrr parts of cnttle or other whose transmission
               may  be  prohibited  in  ordrr  to  prevent  the  prop3gttion  nf  nny  contagious  disease;
               See  "Liste des objet.s interdits," p. 347 BI 3 (b) as  amcndrd.
                Ill. Firearms,  deadly  we:lpons,  ,nd detached pans of such ~:ms, except hunting rillca
               (unriflN.I),  nir  rifl~s and  uir  c~rbin~s  and  t he parts which compose them.  The nrticll•s
               specified  in  this  p!trr grnph, arc•,  however, admitted ns ttn exception  in the form of parcel
               pnsl, subject to pt•rmi~~hn gnnlrd by th~ comprtcnt  Britio;h  ~uthority.
                IV.  or  counterfeit coin; silver coin of  the United Kingd~m which does not meet
               with  t he  lepl  ~t,md~ rd d  wright or fineness;  imit:llions of coius, except by special per-
               mi<>'icn  of the Ccmmi~sioncr of Custt-ms.
                V.  Articles  which  bear or are m~rked wit h stnmp~, names or other indications leading
               one to b~licvc that  they  arP  gu3rantccd  or  s.1nction~d by  n departrn?nt c•f  the British
               Government ;  articles  bearing  a  counterfeit  mnrk and  ertiel ~s of foreign manufacture
               be.tring  a  name <'r  u  mark  repre~nting or supposrd t.o rcpre'*nt the name or make of
               any monuf"durrr  or  mc•rehant  in  Great Britain  (>r  Kortht•rn  Irchnd, unlers th•• ll"me
               of  the  country  in  which  the  nrticlu  has been  made is a lso indicated; gnld l•r silver ware
               not of standard quahty; goods m·'de  in  for~ign  prisrm•,  with  the  exception  of  goods
               imported f<>r a  n<>n-c<mmercial purpose  or goods of 11  kind not  m·mufeci ured  in
               Britain:  "ynthetic  org(1ntc  dye:;,  colours,  and  colouring  mutters  prohibited  by  the
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