Page 54 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 54

50           OnJnsgA  MAILS :  UATI<:S  OF  .POSTAGE.
                            Rr~'r.• of Posla~<· from .! omaica and limit• of size, ~le.
                                 J.  IMTC.S  01,  P OSTAGE.
               LETTERS         2~d. or I ~d. for the first oz. and I !d. or Id. for each additional
                                 oz., according to deslinulion (3ee sept-.rnto  ontric.•  in  'l'nble
                                 following, col  2).
                 Hi$  Mafe$111'8  ForcC3  abroad [and  011  land,  the r: to for  IP.Ltcrs i~ the ordinary rate for
               th<'  country or dc~tination.
                 lli3  MajC$t!i'8  Ship$  outside  home  water•,  the  rate  for  lt·ltcr.< is  l~d. for  lhe first  oz.
               nnJ  ld.  for  each  additional oz.  T.ottcrs Ehould be nddres;ed:-H.M .S. (name of ~hip),
               c.o.  G.P.O.,  London,  E.C.  1;  if  addressed  direct  to  11  foreign  pnrt, instcncl  of c.o.
               G.P.O., London,  the rate will  be the ordinary rate for  the country or destinatirn.
               POST-CARDS              Single,  Id. euch :  Reply paid, 2d. each.
               SMALL  PACKETS  ..     5d. for firat  IO oz. and  Id. per 2oz. thereafter.
               PRINTED PAPERS  ..     ~d.  per  2  oz.
               COMMERCIAL PAPERS       2;d  for  first I 0  oz.  and ;a. per 2 oz.  thereafter
               SAMPLES                 1  d. fol" first 4 oz. and td.  per  2 oz. thereafter.
               REGISTRATION FEE        2d  for  all  articles.
               ADVICE OF  DELIVERY     2d (for registered and insured articles only).
               INSURANCE  FEE          5d  for every £12  of  value.
               PARCEL  POST P ARCELS   See columns 7- II of Table following.
                                  11.  LIMITS  OF W EIGHT.
               LETTERS                4  lb•. 6 oz. to oil destinations.
               SMALL  PACKETS         2  lb.
               OTHER ARTICLES         See separate entries in Table following-col 4 &  5.
                Exceptionally, a  printed volume for  nny  destination  abroad  mny  weigh  as much as
               6}  lbs.
               PARCEL  P OST  PARCELS  . .  lllbs.  or 22  lbs.  ns  noted  in  column- !0 nnd  11
                                         of '!'able.  Exceptionally,  the  limit  for  Canada
                                         :~nd India is 20 lbs.
                                   IJI.  LIMITS  OF  SIZE.
                  To Foreign Countries in the Postal Un ion: 3  feet in  length,  breadth  and  depth
                  combined, but greatest dimension may not exceed 2 feet.
                 T o British Empire:  2 feet in length by 18  in. in width or depth.
                 To all destinations, if in roll form:  3 feet 3  in. in length Rnd  twice diameter, but
                 greatest  dimension may not exceed 2  ft. Sin.
              POST-CARDS              Si by 4i in. (15 by 10.5 centimetres).
              SMALL PACKETS          Same  as  letters  but  no  exception  for  British
              SAMPLES                 To Foreign count'l"ies:  Sa ':'ne aa Letter G.
                                      To Briti•h  Empire:  2  ft.  in  length  by  I  ft.  in
                                        width or depth.
              PARCEL POST PARCELS    Parcels may not exceed  31  f~et for length breadth  or
                                        d~pth, and 6 feet  for length and girth combined
              "HLIND LITERATURF"     Up to 2 lbs id; 5  lbs.  1d.;  8  lbs  qd; It lbs.  2d.
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