Page 53 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 53

              dyestuffs  impor t  regulation  act  of  1920  may  bo imported in the form of  parcel post  if
              accompnnied  by n permit issued  by the Bonrd of 1'rodc.
                VI.  Live  unim.~ls,  with the  cxcrpticn of  bc•cs nnd silkworms pl·tccd in IVdl-con•tmctcd
              box~•;  tob1tcco  stnlks,  m•mufactured  or  not,  tobacco-sblk  flour,  nnd  prcp>~ rations  of
              snufT in the  form  0f  bonbons,  i.:tblcts nr fancy object~, except by pcrrnis~i on of  t.ho Com-
              missioners  of  Customs;  sweetened  toh~cco, mnnuf:!cturPd or not. except when  otherwise
              provided  in  the customs  law~;  "Cuvcntlish" or  "Negrohcud" tobocco containing  leave.~
              of  t rees,  or  plnnts  other  Lhan  the  tob"cco  phnt;  man ufactured  tobncro  other than
              "Ca vend ish"  or  "N cgrohcnd "  tobacco  con tnini ug  any  prohibited  ingt·cdicn t;  toh:~cco
              cut and  pressed  by  mrch~nicnl  or  other  menns;  sncchnrioc.  mixtures  ccntaining
              sacchnrinc  :md  other  sub~tnnc~s  of  a  $imihr  nnturc or use; exlra.cls, ~s.scnccs or otbl'r
              concrntrntions  of  coffee,  chicory.  le~ or  tobacco  or  other  mixlun•s  cC  tno~c products;
              articles  bcnring on  the outside or in the nddrrs.~ words, m"rks or d('Signs (drnwing) which
              in  the  opinion  of the Postmaster Gl'ner!ll. might  cmb:~rrass the postal ngcnts c>lk'<l  upon
              to  hand! ~  such  articles;  circuhn;  fictitinus  st:·mps  :ond  dies,  plate.~,  ins1runwnt$  or
              mtttrri:tls  inLended for the m•tntJfacture of surh ~tnmp~;  CC'ins cninrd in n foreign country,
              other  t,hhU  gold  or  8ilvC'r:  Sec " Listc des objects intcrdits," p. 351  BI  (a)  (22): coin,
              preciouG  stones, jewellery, and any  articles of gold, silver and platinum, in uninsured
              parcels coming from countries which admit insurance.  Coins of a  value  higher than
              £5 (except with a declaration indicating that they are intended to serve as ornament.),
              gold in ingots of a  value higher than £5, and silver in ingots or silver partially worked
              of  a  value  higher  than  £ 20,  even  if the •hipment  of coins or iugots, etc., is made
              as an in•ured parcel.
                'GNJTED  STATES  OF  AMERICA.- Letters;  nclultcra'cd  food  and  dt ugs;  cotton,  cotton
              seed  and  products  of  cot ton  seed  (except  oil.  and  und~r rertain  conditions,  by  P arcel
              Post only,  $llmples  of  r&w  or  unmanufactured  cott  n  nnd  cotton  was~c); feathers  and
              skins  of wild  birds  (except ostrich feathers)  unless for  (•ducational or scientific purpost'S;
              films  or  piclorbl  rcprcscnt:1tions of prize-fights;  live  bees;  poi;;~ns:  piJSon-madc l(Oods;
              spirituous, vinous, fcrm~nted, malted and other intoxicating liquors; stupefyin;; drugs.
                The  importation  of  tbe  following  articles  is  subject  to  special  rcstrictions:-arms;
              cereals; cotton, cotton scednnd products of cotton seed (except oil)  plants, pa1·ts of plants
              bulbs.  etc.;  potat,cs;  "ground provisions," such as ya111s,  "coco "
              (not chocoltJie cocoa);  sealskin in any form; sug~r-canc;  unprepared fruit and vegetables ;
              virus,  serums,  toxins  nnd  a nalogous  pntducts.
                See p1ge ,15 in resprct of exportation  of  c igars and cigat•ettes.

                                Special Dl'Ohibition~ ( I m port) .
                Unle$$  previous  wriiien  permission  has  been  oblailled  from  the  Director  of  Agriculture
              of J amaica  it is prohibited  to import into Jamaica by parcel-post mail the following :-
                Bees  ho~cy, aud material used  by bee raisers;  boots ueed pre,·iously by workmen on
              banan;  pluntaiions;  coiton and all plants of the col ton  plant; all plunts nnd varieties of
              gossypium;  and  a_ll ? ther plants origina~ing in any country  other
              tha n  Great Brttam.
                The  written  permit  of  the  Directcr of  Agriculture  which  takes  the  form  of a  label
              bearing  pa rticulars of  the  pe~mit and  the seal of .the  Depar tment,  m us~ ~e forwarded
              by the  importer  to  the suppher  who  shall attach tt to the pacbge contatntng the plant
              to  which  the  permit  relates.
                Fruits and  vegetables (except  dried  or processed  fruits and vegetables, gra ins, seeds,
              and  Irish  potatoes)  are  prohibited  in  the  mails  to Jamnica  from  the  United  States,
              unless  accompanied  by a  certific:tte  issued  by  a  representative  of  the  United  States
              Department  of  Agriculture  attesting !_hat  the  products arc  home  grown  and  nre  the
              products  of a  State in  which the l\ledttcrruncan fly  (Ct-ralilis  capiiala),  does not exist.
                T he  following  articles  are  absolutely  prohibitcd:- Coffee;  rum;  Sbl\\'ing  brushes
              manufactured in  Eastern countries, as well aS those exported  from those countries: citrus
                It ie  a.lso  prohibited  to  import  Tube!'culozyne  or any  other alle~e!Ol
              c~re for consumption, unles$ undct  licenee granted  by the Goveruor !lnd sub)cct
              to t.he conditions of such  license.
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