Page 47 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 47

                               Duty Payable o n  Jlepair:;, Etc.
               Articles  of any description  may  be  sent  away  from  the  island  nnd  rc·admitted on
              payment of the duty on  the  cost,  if any, of repnirs, dyeing or clcnning, or other altera -
              tion or ndjustment,  on  the  following  conditions  being  complied  wit.h :-
                1. The exporter shall furnish  the chief officer of Cuijtoms with notice,  nnd with a  suffi
              cicnt description in writing of  the a rticles it  is intend<:d to send 11wny,  and  if the chief
              officer  of  Customs  shall  think  it  expedient,  the  article shall  then  be inspected  by and
              shipped under the super,•ision of the propl'r officer of Customs.
                2.  On the return of the article so exported, or on the return of an urticle  not so exported
              but in respect of which it shall be established  to the satisfaction of the chief officer that it
              is an article which had been exported from this island, such article mny be delivered upo•
              the pa..osing of the necessary entries, and  payment of duty, on the  cost of r~pair, etc.
              if nny, which must be verified  by the p roduction of nn  nccount or in some other way to
              the sntisfnction of the chief officer provided in e\'ery case thnt the identity of the article
              is  established to the satisfaction of the chief officer.
               3. The parcel. post being in  the majority of cases the medium through which articles
              nre returned to the island, Collectors at out ports must furnish to the Collector of Customs
              nt Kingston a  list of articles sent away to be  returned as well ns the description of any
              Mlicles which  have  undergone examination before being  sent  nwny in  order  that such
              description  may be recorded in tt register kept tit  the Post Office with a  view to the iden-
              tification and admission dut.y free, or on  pa.yment  of the duty on the cost of repairs, etc.,
              if any,  on  their  return  to this  i~land.
                                     ~cfund of Duty)
               Goods, wares and merchandise upon which any duty under Lnw 4 of 1925, shall have
              been paid, on its being proved  to the satisfaction  of the proper officer of Customs that
              a  mistake has been made nnd thnt such goods are not the goods ordered by the importer
              and that such goods have been  returned to the exporter,  if duly CX'}lOrted  within three
              months of  their fioot  importation,  shall receiYe  a  dr:1wback  of  the  full  duties p:::id  on
              importation.  Application for  refund of duty should be made on  the form pro1·ided for
              the purpose, which may be hnd from the Postmaster or Collector.
               Applicntions for refund of duty must be accompanied by that portion of the cover which
              be11rs  the address, the duty label and  the declaration .
                        .Special  Regulations  (I). I n5urance of  l>arccl5.
               Parcels  for  places  against  which n limit of insured value is entered  in column 6 in the
              'I ubl~ of Rates on p!tgc~ 52 to 61  can be insured.
                1 nsured  arlicles  have  all  the  safeguards  ol  the  registration  syst~m;  and,  subject to the
              lollowing  regulations.  compensation  will  be paid if an insured arliclc or any  part of ils con-
              tents is lost or damaged  in  the post.
               An insurrd HHcle mny  not  be nddr~sed to initi:1ls  or in pencil.
                It may  not be.qr any cr.1sure or corr~ction in the addrt'SS nt  the time of postine;.
                :\  ccrtific:~te of  posting  must  always  be  obt->inlxl  by the smdt>r.  Particuhrs of the
              amount  for  which  the  pared h•s bet'n insured ~hould be entered  c-n the certificate, nnd
              the  sender  should  at  once  satisfy  himsdf that the entry is com •ct.  He m1y obtain an
              ndvice of the d~li vcry of an insured  parcel. under the conditions shown nt  page 39.
                f.!l  the senls  on an  insured parcel must be cf the same kmd of wa x (er lc~d or steel in
              the  C:JSt'  of  parcels),  P.nd must  bear distinct impressions of  tlw s~rne plivate device.  A
              c<•in  m:ly  not  be  used  for  sculin~; and  the device  may  not consist mrrely of,struight,
              cross~d,  or curved lines which could rcndily b e imit!tt rd.  Ench  joint or loose flap  of the
              covering  of  a  parcel  must  be  senlPd;  nnd, if string bt' used in pncking, a scfll must  be
              plnccd on the ends of the str:ng where they Hrc tied.
                If nn  Prticle  tendered  for  insurance doe~ net,  in the opinion of the officer of the Pest
              Office to whom it is tendered, fulfil  the· foregoing conditions us to p~cking nnd scaling, it is
              his duty to refuse to insure it.  Kcvertheless,  the  onus of propel'ly enclosing. packing. and
              sealing  the  packet  lies  upon  the sender;  and the Post Office assumes no liability lor loss
              arising from  defects which may not be observed at the time of posting.   .
                The  amount  for  which  nn  3rt id<'  is  insured  must be written  by the sender both 1il
              words  and  in  figures,  at.  the top  of the address side of the cover, lhus:-"lnsured fu
              fifteen  p<>unds  (£15)!'  The  amount  must  nlso  be entered in the appropriate sp:tce on
              the  despatch  ncte,  if  one  is  used.  N o  alteration  or erasure of the in~cription on the
              letter  or  parcel  or on  th~ despatch  n ote is  allowed.  If the amount is entered on the
              d~so>~tch note in the wrong place, a fresh  despatch note must be prepared.
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