Page 43 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 43

OVERSEA  MAILS :  INSURANCE.              39
    If it is proved to his satisfaction that a utter or packet duly admitted  to re(li8tration has
   beetl t~~tirelylost whilst in his custody the Postmaster undertakes to  pay  an  ittdemnity  of
   50 franc~, cxc~pt in cases be!ond control (e.g., .tempest, shipwreck, earthquake and war).
   No  compensahon,  however,  ts  paynble  except  tn the  case  of the loss  of the  entire  letter  or
   packet;  and no claim will be admitted if made  more than a year after the letter or  packet was
    'fhe Postal Administration  of 1\ll  rountries and  colonies included in  the  Postal Union
   give  the same undertaking in respect of registered  letters or packets lost whilst  in  their
    If it i~ desired t~ obtain c~mpensati,on in the case of abstracliott of contents of a letter, or
   to provtdc for a  htgher maxtmum than 50 francs, recourse must be had to the insurance
   system.  See  "Insurance"  b~low.
     Tho fee chargeable for  registration  to places abroad is  2d.
     Advice of Dcli1•ery.-Thc sender of registered or insured correspondence addrcssod to any
   foreign  country or British Colony in the Postal Union,  may  obtain an  acknowledgment
   of its receipt by the addressee on payment of an extra fee of 2~., in addition to other fees.
                       Jn:;urance-let ter.s  (only) .
     A  letter  for a place aga inst which n limit of insuretl vnluc is entered  in column 3 of the
   T nble of R!!tes on pqgcs 49  to 59, can be insur:-d, subj1•ct  to the follcwing provisions.
     Th<' letters to which  the  insur:mce  system is  !• pplic1blc  those  which  cont'lin
   valu.1ble paper (bl nk notes, currency notes, bonds, coupons. S<'curities, etc.), or  va lu~ ble
   documrnts (plans, estimates, contracts, etc.).  Such articles, if liable to  Customs duty,
   rn!l.y only b~ sent in  insured  lcttl'rs  to  tho>c  countries  which  admit  dutinble  articles
   by  lott~r  post  (see  page8 33 1111d  52 to  62).  Postrc 1rds,  pnckcts of  printed papers  or
   conunrrcinl p!lpers,  Sl mplc  pncke t.~  or letters which contain articles other  than  those
   above·mentioned, such as coin, jewellery, etc., cannot be insured.  An object of value
   which  c:mnot  be  s~mt in  nn  ine<urcd letter  mny  gener..tlly  b3 sent in  an  insured  parcel.
   (See pp. 43-45.)
    A  it'tter intended for insunncc must be presented  11t  the counter of '' Post Offico.  It
   cannot  be  posted  s t  n  r lilwJy  1\t 1tion  and must not be droppt'd into  a letter  box  or
   h~ndPd to u postm~n /Jr m til c nt driver.
     Every letter tendered for insurance must be cnclc,s~d in  a  strong cover  made  up  in
   one piece, which must be securely fnstcned by means of identical se:;ls in fine wux  with
   spnccs bctwcl'n, reproducing n private  m:~rk,  and  affixed  in suffic.ient  number to  hold
   down  nil  the  folds of the  envelope.  An  envelope with  a  black  or  coloured  border  or  a
   transparent panel  must not bo  used.  T he make-up  of every  letter must bo  such th·1t its
   contents cannot be got at without external and visible dorn•1ge to the envelope or the seals.
     Sp1ce must be left betwc:cn thll  postage stamps used for prepayment, and batween the
   post:l ll~ bQls, if cny, so that they c3nnot serve io hide  injuries  to  the  envelope.  They
   must not. be folded over thA two sides of the envelope so :IS  to covrr the edge.
     No labels may be affixed  except those of the postal service.  If the p:!cket  is lit>d  round
   ·with string or tape, a  se;~l must be placed on the  ends  where they  are tied.  Thll  seals
   on an ordinary envelope shr.u!d  be phMd  :lS  shown  b~J,..\1·:-

    In  the  case of a long  envelope with a  sc:1m  down  the  centre, the  seam  should  be
   secured with seals placed not more Lhnn  three inches ap:1rt.
    A  l~ tter which, although  addressed to a  country  or  place  to  which  the  insurance
   sy;;tem  does  not  ~xtend,  hus been  irregularly insured,  will  be  retumed to  the sender.
     Insured  letters cannot be  sent  by  all the  routes  available  for ordinary  letters, and
   therefore, may occupy a longer time in transit.
   ~. Insured articles have all  the  safeguards of  the  registration  system;  and.  subject to the
  ·following  regulations,  compensation  will  be  paid  if  an  insured  article or  any  part  of  its
   contents is lost or damaged in  the post.
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