Page 39 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 39

                Rcpr~duction~of ~manuscript or  typewritten original, when they are  obtuined  by  a
              mechamcal mnmfoldmg  process (hectogrnphy,  &c.)t arc treated ns  printed  pnpers;  but,
              in order to pnss at the reduced post~ge,  these  reproductions  must  be  brought  to  the
              counter  of 1t Post Office  to the number of nt lcJst twenty pncknges c.Jntnining  precisely
              identical  copies.  The manuscript ndditions authorised for Printed ·pi,pcrs mny  nlso  be
              m:tcle to these reproductions.  Such circul:us  1ne  1dso  accepted  provision:1lly  lit Post
              Offices subjeet. to their being found to be in order when  examined at the Head  Office  to
              which t.hey will be sent.
                l'rinted  p:tpcrs which  bear  any  marks  wh,ttever  capable  of  conRt.itu(inj;(  n  conven-
              tionnllangu~ge or, snve the exceptions specifically authorised below, tho~c of which  the
              lest bns  been rnoditied after printing, cannot be sent nt  the  reduced  rnte a.pplicab~ to
              printed mn.tter.
                 It is allowed outside or inside r1  Pncket of Printed Papera:-
                 (a) to  inuic,1te  by hand or by a mechanic•d process, the  na.rne, position, profession,
                     st.yle,  and  address of the sender and of the  addressee,  :1s  well  as the dat'i! of
                     doop11tch,  the  sir!:n:tture, telephone number, 1cleg:raphic nddre'>S 1111d code, the
                     postal  cheque  or banking account of the sender, as well ns a serbl or identity
                     number referring solely to the article;
                 (b)  to correct errors in printing;
                 (c)  to  slrike out, to underline, or to enclose by marks, certain words or certain parts
                     of  n  printed  text,  unless  this  is  done  with  the  object  of  constituting
                 It is also allowed to indict~te or to add by hand or b.v a mechanical process:-
                 (a)  in ad1•ices of the departures  and  arri1·als  or  ships:  the  dates  nnd  times  of
                     dcp1rtures and arrivals, as we!l as the names of  the ships and  the ports  of
                     departure, cnll and ~rriv3 lj
                 (b)  in travellers' ad vices:  the name of the traveller, the d.·~te, time and ph~ce of  his
                     intended visit  >lnd  the address ttt which he is st>lying ;
                 (c)  in forms of order or subscription for publications, books .. newsp>lpcrs, engravings,
                     pieces of music, the works required or offered,  the price  of these  works, the
                     method of p:1ymcnt, the edition and the names of the authors and  publishers
                     ns well as  the  number  or  the  c:tblo.;ue  and  the  words  "paper  coveffl,"
                     "stiff covers, ' or abound;"
                 (d)  on pictori11l c:•.rds and printed visitin!r  canls  and  also  on Christma.s and  New
                     Year  Clrds : good  wishes,  con:~ratulations,  thanks,  condolences,  or  other
                     formulas of courtesy  expressed  in  five  words or by means  of  live conven-
                     tional init.ials at most;
                 (e)  in proofs of print ing: alterations and additions concerned with corrections, form
                     and printing, nnd al~o notes such as "Passed for press."  ''Head-Passed for
                     press," or any simibr  note  concerned  with  the  execution of the work.  !11
                     case of want of sprLce these additions may be made on sep:1rate sheets.
                 {f)  in fa~hion plates, maps, &c: colours;
                 (17)  in price-lists, tenders f<lr  advertisement.~, stock :md share  lists,  mnrl>et  quota-
                     tions, trade circul:trs, and prospectuses : figures ; nny other notes  represent-
                     ing ess~ntial elements of the price;
                 (h)  on books, psmph!ets, newspl per>,  photographs,  engr.wings,  sheet!>  of  music,
                     :tnd in  general  on  all  literary  or  artistic  productions, printed, engraved,
                     lithographed,  or  mimeo6r11phed :  a  dedication  consisting  simply  of  an
                     expression of regard, a.nd, on photographs, a very concise description;
                 (i)  to cuttings from ne1vspapers and periodicals: the title, date, number a.nd addre.."S
                     of  the publication from which the article is extracted,
                 It is, moreover, allowed to enclose:-
                 (a)  with proofs of printin,9;, whether corrected or not: "the copr";
                 (b)  with articles of the categories mentioned under (h): the rehtive invoice.
               A card bearing the heading "Post-card" or the  equivalent  of  this  inscription in  any
              lan~uage is allowed to pass at t.he rate for printed matter, provided  th3t it  conforms to
              t.hc general conditions set out above.
               'l'he undermentioned articles are excluded from transmission  at  the rate 11pplicable  to
              Printed papera :-
                  Post•oge Stamps, whether obliterated or not.
                  Blank paper, note  paper  or envelopes  (with  or  without  printed  address),  and
                all other articles of st~tionery pure and simple.  Matrices, printed envelopes (except,
               tCarbon copies are n'lt included in this cJ.tegory for oL•ertea m:1.ils.
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