Page 37 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 37

OVERSiilA  MAILS;  POST  CARDS.         33
                Letters  must  not  contain  any letter,  or  document  which  has  the  character  of
              personal correspondence, addressed to persona other than  the addreuee or persona
              living with him (Art. 3a, pnr. 4 U.P.C.).
                I,etters  11nd  other  mnilnble articles,  except  parcels,  may  be  redirected  to  the  same
              addrP.asce  from  any Postal  Union  country  to another  free  of  charge.  This does  not,
              however,  exempt from additional postage, correspondence which,  though  fully  prepaid
              Cor  the  first  transmission,  is redirected  to n  country to  which  t-he  pos~ge is  higher
              thnn that origioglly paid.  For example-n letter not weighing over an ounce sent from
              Jamaica  to  Great Britain prepaid 1 ~d. which was a fterwards redirected to Switzerland,
              would  become  liable  to  an  additional  charge equal  one  penny,  the  difference  between
              postage for Great Britain and  postage for Switzerland.  It is to be specially noted that
              in such cases the amotmt of the ckficiency is 110t doubled.  Letters originally posted unpaid,
              or  insufficiently  prepaid  nod  subsequently  redirected,  though  not  chargeable  for  re-
              direction, are subject to the ordinary charge of double the deficient postage on delivery.
                Merchandise fMwarded itlletters or  paclcages  prepaid at the letter rate of postage.-Under
              :1  provision  of  the  C11iro  conventton,  articles  liable  to  customs  duties  may  be
              enclosed in letters or  packages prepaid at the letter rate, in the event that  the importa-
              tion of such articles in the form of letters is permitted by the country of destination, and
              provided  there is affixed  to each such package or letter a  green label (Form C  1), show-
              ing  the  nature  and  value of the  contents.  A  Customs declaration  properly completed
              or an invoice  may nlso  be enclosed in  the pnckage.   .
                The countries to which merchandise may be sent under the above system are indicated
              by  the  letter  (b)  (italicized)  in Table  pages 52  to 62.  Merchandize must not be sent to
              countries not so marked.  See also Appendix B.
                It is  to  be  specially  noted  that  dutiable  art.:cles  may  not  be  sent  to  Great Britain
              by  let~  mail,  but  they  may  be  sent  by "sm1ll packet"  mail (subject to the general
              rcguhtions governing this class of mail, see P.f.· 37-38); while in the case of Canada, dutbble
              articles may be sent by letter mail, but not in 'small packets".  Packets containing dutio ble
              articles  may  be  sent  both as letters and "small packets" to the United  States of America.
                (Facsimile of Form C  1. is shown below):
                                       CUSTOMS.      C  1.
                                   (may be opened officially)
                            To be filled in only in case of t.he absence of a
                            sepnrate declaration; otherwise to be detached.
                            Nature of the goods: .. . ... ... .. ..... . ..... .

                            ·weight ..... ..... . ..... . . .. . . .......... .. .
                            Value ........ .. ...... ...... ......... .

                The administration of the country of destination is authorised t~ submit these packets
              to Customs examination, to open  them officially, and  to  collect the  import  duties, in
              lllamtcr  prescribed  by  its legislation.  To  countries  not  included  in  this  arrangement
              dutiable articles may be sent only by parcel post.  Dutiabl~ articles sent otherwise may be
              retumed,  Stlbjccted to fines,  or confiscated,  according to the laws of t.he country of destination.
                Letters or packages paid at the letter rate of postage received from  abroad suspected
              to contain articles liable to custa= duty, but not bCJ.ring  the green label declarmg na.ture
              and \"alue of contents and authorizing the Post Office to open them officially, are detamed
              Under authority of the Jamaica Post Office  Law, !>COding inquiry and the payment by
              the addressee of any duty leviable.•
                The limit of weight of such packets  is 4 lbs. 6  o•.
                 • Under  the  provisions  of  Articles  38  and  39 of the Universal Postal Conventio.n
              lLondon,  June  28,  1929),  the Postal Department is  auth<!rised t? open  and  to S!Jbrrut
              to  customs  examination  any  lelter  packet  wh.ich  contams  dutmble  matter,  wtthou~
              reference to the addressee.
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