Page 32 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 32

28                   PASSE:-IGER  SERVICI::S.
                               PASSENGER  SERVICES.
                A  motor  mail  und  pnssengcr  scn•ice  is  mainlnined  between  the  following  places:
               l{ingston  and  Port  Anlonio  (vin  lllorant  Day};  Ewnrton  nnd  i\lontego  Bny  (a);
               Anchovy r.nd Lucca (b);  Bulaclavn nnd Soutbficld  (b); Dnlacltwn nnd  Ulster Spring  (b);
               :MaggoLt.y  and  Dluck  River  (/1);  l\Jay  J>cn  and  Haec  Cours(:  (c);  lllontpclicr  nnd
               Suvttnnn-la-M!\1'  (b);  Williamsfield  :md  S1wnnnn-ln-MnT  (d);  Willinmsficld  and  Cross
               ](eys (b); Liustcud und  Gnyle  («); Hichmond and St. Ann's  Br~y (a);  nnd Shooter's  H ill
               nnd  Drown's Town (b).
                The  t imc  of  llrriml nnd  departure of Lhc cars  may be nsccrlnincd  by referring  to the
               preceding Table.
                                         FA I~CS.
                                   ~     >-c    ~~                      ~
                                   d_,;~'       " 0~:;   ~          ~   d
                           ~  ~ ~ ~ -g  ~  ~  ~  re            ~  -~  ~
                 Farl's  from   ~ 8 1 ::  a -=   ~  ~  ~  c   _o   .,;   g   ':  ~
                            ~  el ~  <  ~  ~  ~   ~  ~  ~  ~   .§   :::;   o:::
                          I ol  "  =   ..:!  "'  e  "'   <>   "   "'   .,
               Ewnrton  --. ,X!,~ ~~1-;;- : :  :~ ;:,"~ u;~ ;,: 13: 1:;-
               Moncaguc   . .  - I 16 21641  51  61  7 I  81   91  101  1016  11/G 12/  12/6
               ClnremonL   . .  -  - ~113 2/  3/  4/ I G/  7 I   8/  9/  10/  10/ 6  11/  11/ 6
               Lime Hnll   ..  -  -  -~1/  21  31  5/  6/   71  8/   9/   9/6  10/  111
               .'t. Ann's Bay ..  -  -  -  - ~ 1/ J 2!   4/  5/   5/ 6  6/   6/ 6  7/   8/6  10/6
               Laugh lands   . .  -  -  -  -  -  1/ 3  3/   4/   5/  6/   7/   8/   8/ 6  9/6
               Runaway Bay   -  - 1 - ~ - ' -  -  2/  3/   4/  5/   6/   7/   8/   9/
               Brown's Town   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1/  2/  3/   4/   5/  16/6  8/
               Stewart Town   - - I - - -  - - -   1/  2/   3/   4/6  5/6  7/6
               Jackson Town   -  - ~ -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1/   2/   3/ 6  5/   7 I
               Cl?rks Town  ..  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1/   2/ (J  4/6  6/6
               Dun cans   . .  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  2/  14/  6/
               Falmouth   . .  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  3/  5/
               Little IUver   . .  -  - :  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  2/
                     Fares from    I Hopewell.  Sandy Bay. I  Lucca.  I Green Island.
               AnchO\'Y                2/ 6     3/ 6     6/         S/6
               Hopewc!l                         1/       3/ 6       6/
               Sandy Bay                                 2/6        5/
               Luccn                                                3/

                         Fares from           Hayes.  I  Alley.   Race Course.
                                          ... ·!  _                 3/
               Hayes                                       2/
               Alley                                                I/
                a  Connects with 2.15 p.m. train.
                b Connects with 10.45 a.m.  train.
                c Connects with 7.25 a.m. train
                d  Connects with 4.15 p.m. train (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdny.)
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