Page 35 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 35

OVERSBA  MAlLS.                     31

                               I               To
             Fares from
                                Petersfield.   Ramble.   Montpelier.
   S:tvanna-la-Mar           .. ,   2/         5/4         7/4
   }>()t,crslield            . .               3/4         5/4
   l_llU~_Ie ____ . ____ -----· _  __;_:__ __              2/
                             ni~GU I.A1'10NS.
    PM,SENGEns.-At intermediate  stations a  passenger  must  take his  chance of  finding
   a vacant se1~t in the  coach,  and  must, if  there  is a  vacancy,  then  pay  bis  fare to  the
   coatm.ctor's agent.
    The amount for such ticket rnu ;t be paid  in cash,  and t.he ticket must be handed  to
   the driver or guard or the coach before  the pMsenger take;  bis seat.
    In  all ca;es  if a  pas<enger  intends  to leave  the coach  between  stations  he must  pay
   the f arc  ! o  the next station beyond.
    The  persona!  luggage of each  passenger is limited  to 20 lbs. by  weight  or 2,000  cubic
   inches by size.  Any exces> must be paid for as freight,  and such excess may  not exceed
   10 lb~.  in weight, c·r  1,000 cubic inche$ in size.  Dogs  are not allowed to be  carried  by
                        OVERSEA  MAILS.
                     MEAN5 OF COMMUNICATION.*
    I.  GrtEA't'  BmTA!:;-Lctter  mail i' to  and  from  the  United  Kingdom  is  conveyed  by
   C\•ery  available opportunity  via  the  United  States,  and  by  the  Elders  and  Fyffes and
   J~maica Direct  lAne  of  steamers,  via  Liverpool,  Bristol,  or  P lymouth.  The  Depart-
   ment  endeavours  to  forward  letter  mail  for  the  United  Kingdom  by  the  most
   expeditious route in each case.  Parcel post  mail is conveyed only by the direct steamers.
    H.  UNITED  STA'l'ES  o~·  AMERICA-Mails  (both  letter  and  parcel)  to  and  from  the
   United  States  of  America  are  conveyed  by  the  steamers  of  the  United  Fruit  Co.
   >tnd Colombian Line.
    liL CANADA-Letter mail  to and  from the Dominion of Canada is sent and received
   i.J~· each  U.S. mail.  Parcel  post m::dl  is,  however, conveyed only in  direct bottom by the
   steamers of the  Canadian  National  Steamships  trading  between  Montreal  and  Halifax
   and  Jamaica  about  once  every  week,  the  Pickford  aud  Black  Line  trading  between
   Halifax,  N.S. and Jamaica,  and Unite 1  Fruit  Company  trtd ing  between St.  John and
    IV.  CENTRAL  AMERICA-Mail communication  with  these countries (except  East  Coast
   oj  i\'icarag11a  ctnd  Venezuela)  is  maintained  by the steamers  of  the  United  Fruit  Co.,
   Colo,nbian  Line,  E lders  and  Fyffes,  Ltd.,  and  Canadian  National  Steamships,  via
   Cristobnl,  Barranquilla,  Limon, Belize,  Barrios,  etc., and Standard Fruit  and Steamship
   Co.  via  La Ceiba.  For further information  regarding parcel-post mail  for  these places,
   see  page 40.
    V.  WEST INDIA  IsLANDS  AND  BRITISH  GUIAN.o~.-Letter  mail  to  and  from  the  West
   l ndi:l,  Islands is exchanged by  way of Trinidad and  Barbados (fortnightly  by E lders and
   Fyf1'cs  :! ·:d  fortnightly by Alurninu<n  Line  steamers), :t and  also  (r~rP!y) via  New  York
   ;rhcn  favourable  opportunity  for effecting  eonnexions  by  this  route  occurs,  and  the
   tnfonnatiou  is  available.  Mails  mn.y also  he exchanged  with  Trinidad and Barbados by
   way  of  Cristobal.  Parcel-post  mail  is  exchanged  by  the  E lders  and  Fyffe's  and
   Altt!!1inum  Line  steamers  (see  page  47).  T he  Colombian  Line  maintains  a  weekly
  S!!rvicc  wit·h  Haiti,  and the Horn  J.ine an(!  the  Royal Dutch West India Mail Company
  al~'>  ~~ direct service to  Haiti.  (Th~re i3 n 1  direct plrc~l··post  exch mge with
   Haiti.)          .
    The  Canadian  National Steamships  maintain a  direct  service  between  Ja maica.,  Ber-
  muda,  and  the  Bahamas.
    VI.  C.HMAN  ISLA.Nus- A  twice-a-month service  is  maintained by R.lV!.S.  "Cimboco"
  and an  irregular service  by schooners.
  ---- -
    ~ ;..;,.e also Appendix A  pages 86-88.
    T The  term  "letter  mail "  refers  to  letters  and  post  cards, and pMkages  of  printed
  and commercial papers, samples and  "small  packets."
    ~ The Aluminum Line does not convey mail frrm Jamaica.
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