Page 31 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 31

WINDWARD  RoAn, tPl.  Kingston   2  Three times  daily.
            Woodford, I.   St. Andrew   15  3. 15 p.m. c  3.15 p.m. c  8 .30 a.m.  8.30.a.m.  3 .00p.m.  3.00p.m.  9 .15 a.m.  9.15 a.m.
            Woodhall, l.   Clarendon   51  5.30 a.m.   6.30 a.m.   1.30 p.m.  1.30 p.m.  4.30p.m.  4.30p.m.  9.15a.m.  9.15a.m.
            Y.ULAHB, t.    St. Thomas   19  1.00 p.m. b   1.00 p.m. b   3.30 p.m.  3.30p.m.  4.30 a.m.  4.30 a.m.  6.00 a.m.  6/  a.m

                            OuT-GC!NG.                                            IN-COMING.
                         Mails close as under:                               Mails are recch·cd as under:
            1. For first trains to Kendal and Ewarton, daily 1\t 6.30 a.m.   1.  From Gordon Town, &c., daily at. 9 .15 a.m
            2.  For through train to Montego Bay, daily at 9.3() a.m.   2.  From Port Roy&l, da ily nt 11.45 a.m.
            3.  For through train to Port Antonio, daily at 1.00 p.m.   3. From Wiildu•ard, East via Morant Ray, daily at 6. OOa.m.
                                                                    4.  By train from Port Antonio, daily at 11.40 a.m.
            4.  For Windward, East via Moraut Bay, daily at 1.00 p.m.   5.  By train from Kendal daily at 9.15 a.m.
            5.  For the Nortll~de, daily at 1.00 p.m.               6.  By train from  Montego Bay, daily at 3.20 p.m.
                                                                    7.  From N(fr!hside, daily at 9.15 a.m.
            6.  For the Southside, daily at 9. 30 a.m.  For the S?uthside,
               on Tues., Thurs., and Saturdays at 3.15 p.m.         S.  From SoutJtside, daily at 3. 20 p.m.
            7.  For Port Royal,  Gordon Town, &c., daily at 3.15 p.rn.   9  From So1tth~;idP.. on Tues, Thurs. and Sat. at 9.liia.m.
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