Page 36 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 36

32               OVJ!;RSEA  M.HU):  CLASSIFICATION.
      VII. TuRKS  IsLANDs-A  monthly  mail  ser vice  is  maintained  by  the  M.S.  "  May-
     Bower."  Letter mail is nlso exchanged via New York.
      VIII.  CuDA-Mails  arc  conveyed weekly  by United Fruit Co's Steamers via Habana.
     (The Cuban Post Office forwards only letters mailed in  llabana by  the weekly stenmers.
     Mail  posted in  other  places is only  forwarded  via Santiago  by  occasional  opportunity.
     Full  mails for Cuba arc  forwarded  from Jamaicrl  by the  weekly  and any  other  oppor-
     tunity.)  There is no direct  parcel-post exchange "'·ith Cuba.
       By courtesy of the  United  Fruit Co. the following  schedule  of routes,  etc.,  of  the
     regular  mail-carrying  steamers  is  furmshed.
       NEw YORK·CunA-JAMAICA·CANAL  ZoNE-COSTA  RICA  SERVICE:  A  steamer  leaves
     New  York every Thursday and calls at the following ports:-Havana, l{ingston  (arrives
     and leaves Wednesday), Cristobal, Port  Limon,  Havan11.,  New York-a round  voyage
     QC  18 days.
       Nmw-YoRK·IiAITI-JAMAICA·COLOMBIA-CANAL  ZoNm  SERVICE:  A  steamer  of  the
     Colombian  Line  leaves  New  York every Thursday nod calls at t.he following ports:-
     Port-nu-Prince,  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Tuesday),  Puerto Colombia, Cartagena,
     Cristobal,  Kingston  (arrive&  Tuesday,  leaves Wednesday),  Port-au-Prinoe,  New  York
     , arrives  Monday),  a  round voyage of 19  days.
      NEw Yonx-JAt.tAJCA-PANAWA·COLOMBIA  SERVTCE:  A steamer  leaves New York every
     Saturday and  calls  at  the  following  ports:-Kingston  (n.rrives  and  leaves Thursday),
     Cristobal,  Cartagena,  Puerto  Colombia,  Santa  Marta,  Kingston  (arrives  and  IMves
     Friday),  New  York  (arrives Wednesday)-a round  voyagE>  of 1R  days.
      NEw  0RLEANS·CusA.JAwtcA-BruTISB  HoNDuRAs-GuATEMALA  SERVICE:  A steamer
     leaves  New Orleans every two or three weeks and calls at the following ports:-Santiago,
     Kingston, Belize,  Puerto Barrios,  New  Orleans.
     (Elders  &  Fyffes,  Ltd.) leavt'S  Bristol  every  alternate  Monday calling at  thll  Col'oiVing
     ports:-Barbados, Trinidad, Le. Guaira, Cristobal, Kingston  (arrives Monday and leaves
     Tuesday),  Bristol  (arrives  Monday).
      A  Fyffes steamer lenves Bristol every other Wednesday or Thursday cnlling at
     the  following  ports:-Kingston  (arrives  Wednesday  or  Thursday,  lca.ves  Friday),  La
     Gunira,  Trinidad,  Barbados,  Bristol  (arrives  Sunday).
      Elders & Fyffes, Ltd .. maintain a  further service with the United Kingdom and Europe,
     but as the sailing days and routes of these boats vary somewhat according to the ·season
    of the yeu their movem')nfs cannot be reduced to the precision of a schedule.
      The  following  is the schedule  of  the  Canndian  National  Ste:~mships mail-carryio
    mail  service  from Montreal during Summer months (and  from  Halifa.x  during  Wint
    months)  for  Bermuda, Na.~sa.u and Jamaica, returning  over  same  route  to  Montrea
    during Summer months (and to Halifax during Winter months).
      Also  a.  fortnightly service from i\Iontreal to Jamaica during  Summer  months, callin
    a.t  Halifax en route and from Hali!ax direct to Jamaica during the Winter months
      The above affords a regular weekly mail service between Canada and Jamaica through
    out the year.
      A steamer arrives at J amaica southbound every other Wednesday and S:~turday duri
    Winter months and  every other l\fond~y during Summer months.
      A  northbound  steamer  leaves  Jam:Ucn  every  other  Tl•esday  and Wednesday durin
    Winter  months and every othrr Thursday during Summer months.
      A re;rular fortnightly mail service  ste11mer  is  operated  tbroul!hout  the year bet wee
    Jam~ica a.nd  Belize  British Honduros. with Ste:lmers  sailing frpm Jumdca o
                        CLASSIFICATION  OF i'JAIL.
      Foreign Correspondeuce is divided into the following classes:-
      (a)  Letters,  (b)  Post-cards,  (c)  Printed  Papers.  (d)  Commercial  Papers.  (e) Sample
    (I)  " Small  Packets," (g)  Parcel-Post Parcels.
      For the Rates of Postage on all  Claases of  mail matter  limits  of  weight and  siz
    etc., aee page 50 and Table, pp. 52 to 6 1.
      la)  Letters  posted  wholly  unpaid  or insufficiently  prepaid  are  forwarded,  but  a
    charged  on  delivery  with  double  the  deficiency.      ·
      Unpaid and insufficiently  prepaid  letters from  places  abroad  are  charged  double  t
    deficient  postage;  the  minimum  surcharge  is  ,d.
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