Page 42 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 42

38                OVBf~EA l\lAILS :  PDOHIDI'riONS,

      The dimensions,  make-up and  method of  closing are the same  as for  samples; i.e., a.
    "small packet" may not be scaled or closed against inspection, and it may not contain
    any  personal correspondence.  The name nod  address of the sender  must  be shown  on
    the outside of the packet, nod each packet should be marked "Small Packet" in the  left
    hand top corner.
      Tile (JT'ecn  label  (Form  C  1.)  m11st be  attached  to  each llllch  packet.  T he  countries  to
    which  "small packets" may  bo  scot t\re  indicnted by the  letter (c) (italicized)  io  Table,
    pp.  62-62.  The limit of weir,:ht of n  "small  pnckct" is  2 lbs.
    Merchandize must not be sent to countries not so marked.  f:ee  nlso Appendix C.
      (g)  Parcel-Post Parcels. Sec  pp.  40  to  49.
                     Prohibitions  in  the  Ucgular  Mails.
      To· ali  oversea  countries.-(:•)  All  ariicl~s  t'Xclud~.-<1  from  tr.msmi:;sion  in  the  ini:lnd
    mail~,  ns being in themselves, c1ther from their form or nature, Liable to dest roy or injure
    the  contents  of  the  mnil  b~gs er lhc persons ('If tho~e cngngrd in the Postnl Service, are
    prohibited  from  tr!ln!lmis.sion  in  the  mailR cxehangrd with fort:ign couutrics, us nrc also
    poison~,  including  opium, nnd otlwr uurcolies, or cxph:Five and inflammable nrticlcs, and
    obsccnP  books,  pntJ•phlets,  etc.
      (b)  Sn rnplc~, the  number  of  which rn~iled to onr :.ddrrssee by the s:!mc ~ender shows
     the evident iotcnti<>n of avoiding tlw ccllcction  (I{ cu~t oms duties.
      (c)  Articles other than lellei'S and sit~g/e post cards  which arc wholly unp:~ id.
      (d)  Packages  of  samples  of  merch·m dise  which  ccntnin  live  animnls  and  in!Wcts
     except bees, silk worms, nod lcrchcs, and whi<'h have'' sale:1ble v:~lue.
      For  further d('tr.ils, consult  British Pest Office Guide, Cd. 8, Table  of Rates  (letters)
     and "Li~te des ob jets interdits."
      Special  attention  is  directed  to the fact that all articles prohibited from  dispatch  to Great
     Britain in  parcel-post mail  are also  excluded from  dispatch  by  letter-mail.  (Sec  "Lisle des
     objets intcrdits," pnge 345, (b) por. 2, nlso pago 48 of this Guide for such  prohibitions.)
      Sec  Restrictions below.
      Bank notes and currency notes, coin, postage stamps, bullion,  precious stones, jewels,
     •  and other precious articles may only be eent by registered mail prepaid at the letter rate
     of postaoe.  The  following is a  list of the  principal countries which admit such articles
     in  their  registered  letter  mail:-Austria,  Australia,  Barbados,  Belgium,  Bermuda,
     Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Ceylon,  China,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Dnozig,  Denmark,  El
    Salvador, Fiji Islands, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain and Northern Irela nd,
     H.olland India, Irish  Free State, Japuo,  Luxemburg,  Mexico,  Newfoundland, New Zea-
     la.nd,  N1geria,  Palestine,  Paraguay,  Philippine  Islnnds,  Poland,  Porto  Rico,  R Hodesia
     (N. and S.), Russia,  St.  Lucia,  St.  Vincent,  South  Africa,  Switzerland,  United  States
    of America,  and  Virgin  Islnnds,  U.S.A.
      Cold coin  exceeding £5  in  vnlue  may  not  be  sent to Great  Britain,  India  and
      Coin,  jewellery,  precious  articles  and  banknotr.,,  etc.,  shoulc!  not  be  accepted  for
     U'ansmission by registered letter mail for any count ry not named in the above list.
                         Registration  (Ovcr:sca:s.)  t
      Every letter or letter  packet presented  for  registration  must  be  made  up  in  the
     mnnucr prescribed at page  10 for inland letters or letter packets, and must not show any
     trace of having been opened and re fastened before posting.
      '·Small packets," packets of printed  papers,  commercial  papers  and samples  presented
    for  registration  must.  be  made  up  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  unregistered  packets
    of these categories.
      Condiliom of R~stration.-No postal packet  addressed  to initials or in pencil (except
    copying ink pencil)  is admitted  to registration.
      Every letter  presented for registration must be enclosed in a  strong envelope securely
     fastened,  preferably  in one of  the  registration  envelopes  sold  by  the  Post Office.
      It is recommended that t.he name and address of the sender be written on the outside
    of every  registered  postal  packet.
      Registered packets must be prepaid  as regards both  postage and registration fee.
      Packets to  be  registered  must  be gh·en to an officer  of the  Post Office,  nod a  receipt
    obtained  for  them; they must on no account be dropped into a  letter  box.
      •  See  definition of term "jewellery," page  11, par. 12.
      t  Conditions  governing  registration  of  oVC!·seas  correspondence  differ  from  those
    governing  iflland  correspo.ndence.  See  page 10.
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