Page 45 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 45

                Post:cqe, Dimeruions and Weight-For postage, maximum dimensions and weights, and
              other particulars  see Table of Rates of Postage,  &c.,  pages 52 to 61.
                Foreign  (e.zcept to  U.S.) •  and Colm1ial  parcels camwt  be rcgutcred,  but  they may  be
              insured to certain countries under  the conditions specified on page 46.
                                   General  l?egulations.
                               Customs Declaration and Dispatch note.
                Parcels  are  subject  to  Customs  Regulations.  The sender of each  parcel  is required  to
               make, for Customs purposes-upon a special form or forms, which can be obtained at any
               Post  Office-an accurate statement of  the nature and  vnlue of the  contents and other
               particulars.  The sender's name n.nd full address must also be filled in.  The forms should
               be filled in, in ink.  Two forms of  Customs declaration  are  in  use- A  y e llow form
              (Ko.  741)  Inte n d ed  to  be  affixed  to the covers ,pf p arcels for
               B ritlish  Colonie s   and  Possessions,  the  United  States  of
               A m e rica,  C anal  Zone,  and  a  few  other countries;  and  a
               white  form,  which  is  u sed  for  parcels  for  all  other
               foreig n  countries.  t  Scvcnd  identical  copies  of  the  form  must  in
               many cases be made out.  The number of white forms required is indicated by the figure
              nfter the  letter  W in col. 13, Table of Rntes, pp. 52 to 61.  When a white form is used the
              sender  must fill up adispaichnofe.  Undcr·valuation ol the contentsol' faiiU!'C to describe
               them  fully  may  result   in  a  seizure  of  the  parcels,  and in  the  case  of  parcels
              addressed to the United States of America in the imposition of heavy fines, which will not
               be remitted even if the parcels nre returned to the senders.  7'he net weight or quantity of
               the  di(TI'Tent  kinch  of articles  contained in a  parcel should be separalR/y slated.  Any other
               particulars should be given which woP.ld facilit.nte the assessment of Customs duty, such
              as the material of which clothing is composed, nod whether it is new or not.  In the case
              of articles returned  to the country where they origion ted,  the  fact  should  be  stated.
               Customs  Declarations,  instead  of  beariug  entries  of  "Groceries,"  "Preseot.s," etc.,
              should bear entries giving a  description and  the 1veight of the  following  articles,  when
              enclosed,  viz.:  sugar,  sweets  and  confectionery,  crystallized  and  imitation  fruits  and
               flowers, preserved ginger, jams, jellies, and marmalades, chocolate, cocoa powder, canned
               fruit\ tea, coffee.  In the case of dried fruit, the particular kind, figs, raisins, currants, etc.,
              shou d  be stated.  For further particulars as  to declarations, see note against the names
               of the various countries in the Table of Rates pp. 52 to 61  (col. 13).
                Special  attention  is  directed to the "Prohibitions" (Export
               and Import),  pp. 47·49.
                A Customs clearance fee of 6d.  will be collected on  every  parcel-post  parcel  (whether
               it contains dutiable matter or not), and on every package  (other than parcel post) which
               on examination  is found  to contain dutiable matter.
                The postage on parcels must be  wholiy  prepaid by postage stamps.
                The  Post Office  Department will  not be  responsible  for  the loss  or damage  of  any
               uninsured parcel.  This rule is modified in case of parcels. between the U.K. and Jamaica,
               see page 46.
                Each parcel must be plainly directed, such directions setting forth the name and full
               address of the person for whom  the parcel is intended.  A parcel must not be  posted in a
               letter btn; but must be taken into a  Post Office and presented at the counter Ui the Postmaster
              or  per son  in charge.
                A certifica.te  of posting will  be given  to  the  person  posting a  parcel b11t  no  liability
              attache~ to the Post Office in respect thereof.
                A parcel may not contain dangerous articles, perishable articles  articles likely to injure
              other  p~els, or the  officers of the Post Office. liquids,  unless  s~curely  packed  in  proper
               cases  and  surrounded  with  absorbent  material.  or anycontrabaodarticlesorsubstancea.
               The rules for the mode  of  packing  parcels· containing liquids,
               oils,  etc., as set out on  pp. 36·37,  must be strictly adhered In
              every detail.  A  parcel  must  not  contain  another  parcel or other posts! packet
              intended for delivery to a  person other than the addressee of the first  named parcel.
                II on examination of any parcel there shall be found in or with the same  any letter or
              comiJI~tniciUion of the  nature of a lJJtter such paper or communication will be withdrawn
              therefrom,  and will be forwarded to the addressee thereof; or, if it be not addressed, !-«>
              the addressee of the parcel in or with which the same was found enclosed, and the sa1d
              ~~~~ be surcharged for delivery at the unpaid  rate of  postage.
                 • See pages 43-45.   t The white foriDB are to be used for India.
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