Page 59 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 59

TELEORAPHS.                       53

             This rou~ otJors the advantage of a direct, speedy and reliable service  between  Jamaica
            nnd the Uruted Kingdom and Ireland, and Europe; it is entirely British owned  and  operated
            and  touches  only  British  territory.
             Patrons are urged  to mark their cablcgrnms  "Via. Imperial,"  for which  indication  no
            charge is made.
             DEFERRED  CAnJ..EOilAMS  in  plain  language are  accepted  at half rates  lo most parl.s
            or the world.
             WEEK-Elm  LE'M'En  CADLECR.urs in  plain  language are accepted  for  the United King-
            dom and  Ireland, United States,  Canada,  Kewfoundlaod,  Halifax,  N.S.,  Bermuda,  and
            Turks Island.
             WmEI"Ess  MESSAGES for ships at son arc accepted for  tr(tosmission through the D.W.I.
            Cable  Co.'s  Ki11gston  Station to vessels  within  n rad ius of  300  rnilcs  at n rate of lOd.
            per  word.  Vessels beyond  this distance can be reached at increased  rates.
             CA BLE RA.T&s.- Ordinary.  "Via Bermuda," "Via  Bermuda Imperial" or " Via  West
            India & Panama Telrgrnph Co. ":  per  )vord,  Austria.  3/; Belgium, 2/8!,  etc.;  Canada,
            according  to  location,  116  to  2/1;  France,  '2/8~;  Germany,  2/!>!:  Great  Britain  and
            Ireland, 2/4; United States, according to location, 1/6 to 2/1.
             "Via Bermuda-1\[nrconi"  to Great Brit:~ in  and Ireland, 2/2 per word.
             Deferred.- To all  points  mentioned  abo\·e at halfthe rates  quoted.  These  messages
            must be in plain  language and m1,1st bear  the  prefix
             LOO  (Jangua~e of  cotmtry of  o1·igin),  LCD  (language of  coun~ry of dispntcb) or
             LCF  (French)  which  is  charged  for  and  signalled  as  the  first  word  in  the address.
            Such messages must not contain code words in the text, though registered cable nddrcsses
            may be used.
             Weck-Erul.-These cables  are accepted by both Cable Companies for all stations in  the
            United  Kingdom and Ireland at the rate of 1118 for 20 wor<i! (minimum) and  7d. for each
            additional word.  Rates  to other countries on application.
             The prefix "W.L.T.," which is counted and charged as one word,  must be written ns the
            first  word for the ndd ress.
             These  cables must be  writt~ entirely  in  plain  language,  aud  must reach  the  Cable
            Company's  OBico  in  Kingston (>cloro clqsing hour on  Saturda~, and are  deliverable  on
            tbe Monday morning following.
             ALL BaiTISH  Rou'J'E  1'0  •rBE B.W.I.- The  ".i\.11  British" cable to ilie  British  West
            Indies  is  open.  Messages for  this  route Ehould  be  routed  "Via  D.W.I.  Cable Co.
            Ltd."  Rate 1/3 per word  to British Wcs~ Indian Islands  only.  Deferred meSS8ges 7! d.
            per word.
             Public telephone call offices have been established at Cross  Roads and  Half-way Tree
            Post Offices.  The fee is 2d. for a conversation not exceeding three minutes.
             Local  telegrams  from  authorized  Government  officials,  members  of  the  Legislative
            Council and other authorized  persons on public  business are  transmitted free of charge.
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