Page 64 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 64



                                For  J. w.

               GREAT  BRITAIN  &  EUROPE

                     :w Via  Imperial

                                 You  do  your  duty  by  the
                              Empire  when  you  buy  British

                              Goods  and  use  British  Services

                                The  "  Imperial "   l'Ollt.e  offers  the
                              advantage  of  a  direct,  speedy  and
                              reliable  "ervice.  H  is entirely  British
                              owned  and  op('t·atE'd,  and  touches only
                              British teni tory.
                            :_   --                             ----

                                 Always  Cable

                           "VI A  IMPERIAL."
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66