Page 60 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 60

                                       Page.                           Page.
                                            Letters :
             Advice of delivery of Insured Articles   27   Redirection   50
             Advice of delivery of Registered Articles;   Registration, Inland   7
                Inland               . .   0       Do.    Overseas       29
                Over..eas                20     Return  to sender,  when prohibited  51
             Arrival and despatch of Mails:    Undelivered  Correspondence  . .   51
               Inland (Table of)       U-21  L ' tter Bag~ and Boxes     li l
               Oversea3                2j-26l Liquids, Tran3mission  of   .. 27, 31
             "Blind Literature"          3:3 1 Maga~i11es            . .   6
            Book Post.  See ttnder Printed  Papers.   Mail Coaches FMes   ... 22-25
                                            Military F orces, Letters addressed to   38
            Cable R!~te>                 53  Money Orders:
             Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) Service   33   List  of Countries   48
             Christmas Cards, writing on   6    Telegraph :\ioney Orders   48
             Coin, etc., Transmission of   8, 29, 31
             Commercial Papers:             N a.val Forces, Letters addressed to   38
                Inland                    7  Newspapers,  Inland          6
                Over<eas                 27  Newspapers, "Registered"     6
             Compensation:                  Newspaper wrappers           4.0
                Insured Letters          29
                Registered Artiales,  Inland   7  Offices, List of Post   12-21
                      Do.     Oven eas   29  Official Correspondence      {)
                Uninsured Parcels        35  Official Correspondence, Registration of  11
             Compulsory  Registration     7  Oversea. Mails              25
             Correspondence, Overseas, classes of   27
                 Do.     Inland, clal!Ses of   5  Parcel Post, Foreign:
                                               C. 0 . D. Service         33
             Dangerous Articles         7-28   Exchange with Canada.     36
             Dutiable Articles by Letter  Mail   28   Do.   Panama, etc.   36
             Duty o;l Repair;            32         Do.   U.K.           33
                                                    Do.   U. S. A., etc.   35
             Envelopes, Registered Letter   49      Do.   W.  I.  Islands. .   36
                                                General Regulations      31
             Greasy Substances, T rallSillission of   Import Duties      32
                                         271   Insurance                 34
             Hours of business at Post Offices  ..   5   Postage Rates, table of   39-46
             Hours of business  a.t Telegraph Offices  52   P referential Tariff   32
             House Delivery              50    Prepayment of Duty        33
                                               P rohibited Articles      37
            Imitation Typewritten Documents   6   Undelivered  Parcels   35-36
            Impressed Stamps             49    Weighing over lllb~.      32
            Insurance of Over~ea> Letters   29  Parcels, Inland          7
            Insurance of Overseas Parcels   34  Porterage on Telegmms   . .   49
                                            Post Offices, Hours of business at . .   5
            Jewellery, Transmission  o!   8, 29,34  Po3t Offices,  List of   1 ?-21
            Judicial Stamps              49   Postage on Official registered letters   11
            Letters:                        Postage Rates on all classes of mail:
                D utiable Articles in    28    Inland                   5-7
                Insurance,  Overseas   ..   29   Overseas                38
                Limits of weight and size, Inland   5  Postal Orders     48
                         Do.     Over.;eas  38  Post Cards :
                Prohibited Articles      28    Inland                     5
                Rates of Postage,  Inland   5   Overseas                 38
                     Do.    OveClle&.>  •.   38  Poste Reatante          61
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65