Page 56 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 56

50                   POST  OJ'FICE  GUIDE.
                nation.       Description.                     Date of Issue.
                 4d.   The Cathedral, Spanish Town             Jan.  21,  1921
                 6d.   View of Port Royal Harbour, 1853        Dec.   5,  1922
                 1/    "Queen Victoria of Jamaica, Lady Supreme"   Dec.  10,  1920
                 2/    The Rodney Memorial                         Do.
                 3/    "Sir Charles Motcalft. Governor of Jamaica, 1.839-42"   Do.
                 5/    "Isle of  Wood and Water"   . .   . .   April  15,  1921
                10/    "George V., of Jamaica, Supreme Lord"   May   6,  1920
                All postage stamps of the colony are now being printed on the !llultiple Crown Script
               (C.A.) water-mark paper.
                                     .STAM P  VENDOQ5 .
                The following is a list of vendors of postage stamps with their addresses:-
                KINOS'I'ON.-W.  M.  Alberga,  lA  Kingston  Lane;  S.  L.  E. Auld,  30 West Parade;
               Alexander Bernard, 92 East Street; i.\1rs. T. E. Brown, 1 Union Lane, i\Ianchester Square;
               Mrs.  C.  F. Forbes, Hannah Town; F. N.  Hidalgo,  Parade; A.  W.  Gardner  &  Co., 127
               Harbour Street; T. M. Gunter, 15  West  Race Course; Ho Fung, 86 King Street;  Miss
               0. Johnson, 1  Hector  Street, Woodford  Park; C.  E. Lindo,  31  Foster Lane; Michael
               Lindo, 40 Orange Street; A. C. McKay, 21  West  Parade; Mrs.  0.  B. Oligon,  14 Regent
               Street;  Chin Pow,  179  Orange  St.reet;  Miss  Robertson,  G3t  Tower  Street;  James  Ho
               Sang,  11  Dames Road, Woodford  Park; J.  A.  Stewart,  21  Windward  Road;  Miss T.
               Tennyson, R.;M. Court's Office;  Pow Young, 28  Prince  Albcrt  Street,  AUman  Town;
               Y.M.C.A.,  Hanover Street.
                CooNTRY.-Osear  Seaton,  Savanna la Mar;  Titchfield  Hotel,  Port  Antonio;  Rev.
               C.  M. Clark, Montego Bay.
                                    NOUSt: DELIVERY.
                                 (KINGSTON  AND  LOWER  ST.  ANDRllW.)
                Correspondence is delivered by letter  carriers in all parts of the City of Kingston, in.
               eluding Smith's ViUage, Hannab Town, Campbell  Town, Franklin To\\"D, Brown's Town
               Passmore Town, the northern limits of Arnold Road and South Carnp Road, including the
               Goodwin Lands, and to the east of the city as far as Kensington Road, four times daily,
               viz., 8.30 a.m.,  10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m. and 4.15  p.m.
                Correspondence is delivered in Lower St.  Andrew as  below:-
                From  HALF WAY TREE  Post Office  at 8.30 a.m. and 2  p.m.
                Non'!'n-Camperdown Switch on the Constant  Spring  Road and the road leading to
               King's House.
                SoUTH-0xford Road, Kcncot Lands included.
                EAST-Matilda's Corner and Hope Road, from Oxford Road.
                WEs'I'-Carrisbrook on Ilagley Park Road, Molynes Road to  junction  11ith Tarrant
               Lane, Old Pound Road and Lyndhurst Road to junction of Retirement Road, and" Nesby
               Court' Red Hills Road.   ·
                From CRoss RoADS Post Office at 9.15 a.m. and 2 p.m. -
                NoRTH-From  Cross  Roads  Post  Office,  along  Caledonia  Avenue,  up  to  Half-way
               Tree and Hope Road  to  corner of  Oxford  Road.
                SoUTH-Torrington Bridge  and Slipe  Pen Road.
                EAsT-Marescau.x Road.
                WEsT-From Cross Roads,  along Retirement Road to corner of Lyndhurst Road and
              Old  Pound  Road,  including  Brentford  Road.
                               Tl'lAIN  P05T OFFICE  SEQVICE.
                Limited train Post Offices are maintained on the  through train between Montego Bay
              and  Port Antouio  where  postage  stamps,  etc.,  may  be  bought and  telegraph  forms
                            Rt:Dmt:CTION  Of'  COJmE5PONDENCt:.
                Any postal packet may be re-directed to the same addressee at another address either
              by an officer of the Post Office or by an agent of the addressee after delivery.
                The fee for detaining and delivering in Kingston, packet letters addressed to District
              Post Offices, or for detaining and re directing such letters to any other  postal address
              is  la.  for each service.
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