Page 53 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 53

~IONEY ORDEHS                   47

                                MONEY  ORDERS.

               :Money  Orders arc issued at the  Head Office,  Kingston, and nl the se,·eral ParochiaL
              Treasuries in the chief town of each parish.  Applications for  money orders addressed
              to the Postmaster for Jamaica or to  u Parochial Treasurer arc free of postage.
               (The registration fee of 2d  lllU~t.  however, be prepaid.)
               The  commissions  on  rnouey orders  drnwn  on  the  United  l<ingdom,  Pnomna,  Costa.
              Il.icn and the Cayman Islands arc as under:-
                  ]?or any sum not c~cceding   £2              Os. 9d.
                  Above £2 and not exceeding   5               1  6
                  Above  5               7                     2  3
                  Above  7              10                     3  0
              and 5d. for each additional £1 or fractional part thereof.
                 'l'he commis$ions on money orders drnwn on  the United States of America, Canada,
              Canal ZoneaudPhilippine Islands are as under :-
                  li'or any sum not excccdi ug £2              Os. 9d.
                  For any sum over £2 nnd not exceeding  £5    1  6
                        u      5    u    u   7
                                                               2  3
                        tl          tl
                               7            10                 3  0
              and 3d. for each ndditional £1 or fractional part of that amouuf,.
               'l'he  commissions  on  moeny  orders  drawn  on Barbados, British  Guiana,  the  Wind-
              ward  Islands,  the  .l,eeward  Islands,  British  Honduras,  Bermuda,  Turks  Islands  aud
              'l'rinidad are ns under -          •

                  For any sum not exceeding·   £2   .. ,       Os. 6d •
                  Above £2 and not exceeding   5   ..          1  10
                  AboYe  5       "       7                     1  6
                  Abo,·e  7      "      10                     2  0
              a.nd 6d. for eaeh ndditionnl .C3 or fractional part thereof.
               T he limit amount for mono.v orders drawn  on Uuited Kingdom, Pauamn, Costa Rica,
              Barbados, British Guiana, t,hc Windward  Islands, the Leeward T•lands, British Houd,1ras,
              Bermuda, Turks  Islands, Trinidad aud Cayman Islands is  £40,  and on  United States
              of America, Cnnada, Canal Zoue and l,hilippin~ Islands, £:tO  lOs. 8d. or  SlOO.
                No application  ca,n  be eute1·tained for  compensation for  alleged injury from t,he non-
              payment  of n money order t>t  tl1e expected  time.  When  a  money order i~ applied  for
              it must be on the clear understanding thnt  no such claim will  be allowed, and that  the
              Post Office is not liable, under any circumstances, to more than one payment of a mouey
              order, even when,  notwithstanding  the precautions that arc taken,  the order  hns  been
              paid t.o a  person not  entitled  to receive the money.  Re·payrnent. to the remitter  of a
              money order canuot be made  until  the chief  office  of  t,be  paying  country  has  been
              communicated with; and appl!cations for re-payment should be accompanied by a sum
              equal to the  or~gtnal commission on the order.
                A Through  M oucy Order Exchange also exists between Jamaica and  certain Drit,ish
              colonies and foreign  countries 1-ia  the  United  Kingdom.  Such  through  money orders
              are subject on pnyment to a deduct ion of two pence for each .£1  with a minimum charge
              of four pence.  The full uamc and address of the payee of a through money order must
              be given  to enable the Chief Money Order  Office,  London,  to forward to the payee  a
              money order for the net amount  payable, the money  order issued  to the remitter being.
              only  of value ns a receipt  for  the amount  pa1d  D.lld should be retained  by  the remitter.
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