Page 57 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 57

                          ADPU CAT ION5  FO~ m : CALL OF  u:rrE1~5.
                 No letter, parcel or other postal packet can, when once it has been posted in a Post Office
               receptacle or accepted for  transmission at a l'ost Office, be taken out of the post,  even
               if application be made for it by a person who can prove that he is the sender, without
               the authority of the Governor.  Nor can it be detained or delayed at the sender's request;
               it must be forwarded to its address and cannot be diverted to any other address.
                            PI~I VATE LETTE~ BOX.E5  AND  BAG5.
                Private letter boxes,  available for  the subscribers'  use from  7 a.m.  till 5.30  p.m.  on
               week days (and also for two or three hours after the arrival of important oversea mails)
               may be rented for 12s. a year at the Post Offices  of Kingston, Port Antonio, M ontego
               Bay and Mandeville.
                Private ba),'S.- By permission of the Postmaster for Jamaica any person may have his
               letters conveyed to and from the Post Office in a private bag upon payment of an ann.ual
               fee of  one guinea.  The bag to be locked,  one  key  being kept by the Postmaster and
               one by the owuer of the bag.
                When a  private letter bag is conveyed by n 1nail  contractor  11  further annual fee of
               one guinea is to be paid.  These fees must be paid in advance through the l'ostmaster
              for Jamaica.
                                  POSTE  ~E5TANTE.
                The Poste Rcstante is intended solely for the accommodation of strangers and travellers
               and even  t.hey may  not use  it  for more than  three mouths.
                Letters addressed to initials,  or to fictitious names, or to a  christian name without a
              surname are not taken  in at the  Poste  Restaute,  but are  treated  as undelivered  and
               returned to senders.
                          Period of Retention of Undelivered Correspondence
                      Origin.            At. Kingston   At District Post Offices.
              Places abroad              Four  ~weeks.    Eight weeks
              Local                      Two weeks        Four weeks
                               5Tl~EET COLLECTING  BOXE.S.
                Collecting  boxes are  to be found at the following places in Kingston and Lower  Si•
              Andrew.  (The times at which  they are cleared are stated on  each.)
               1.  King and North Streets   26.  Duke and J:I:arbour Streets
               2.  Colonial Secretary's Office   27.  M an eh ester Square, South R.a.ce Course
               3.  Charles and East Streets   28. and East Streets
               4. Kingston Gardens          29. Hannab St. and Rose Lane
               5.  Fire Brigade Station     30. Arnold Road, north of Connolly Aven.
               6.  Jamaica Club             31.  Studley Park Road
               7.  Torringto.n Bri.dge      32.  South Camp Road Hotel
               8. All man Town Constabulary Station   33.  Marescaux Road and Club Lane
               9.  South Camp Road near North Street   34.  Hope and 0Jo.iord Roads
              10· Highholborn and Laws Streets   35.  Retirement Road near Retirement Pen
              11.  Park Lodge               36. Knutsford Park Gate
              12.  Brown's Town Constabulary Station   37.  King's I'!;ouse Gate
              13.  Tower Street and Elletson Road   38.  Bedford Pa,rk Gate on the Constant
              14.  Marine Gardens             Spring Line near Sandy Gully
              15.  Spanish Town Road and Beeston Street  39.  Barbican Road
              16.  Parade, by Parish Church   40.  Papine Corner
              17.  Princess and Harbour Streets   41. and Curphey Roads
              18. Princess and West Queen Streets   42.  Grove & Cent.ral Road~, Kencot  Lands
              19.  Gardner's, Harbour Street   43. Molines Road and 'l'arrant Lane
              20.  Orange Street and Port Royal Street   44.  Hope and Trafalgar Roads.
              21.  Orange and Charles Streets   45.  Beechwood Ave. and Halfway Tree
              22.  Franklin Town Police Station   Road.
              23.  Smith Village, Percy and Wellington Sts. 46.  Penn and Rodney Streets, (Admjral
              24.  Cnmpbell 'l'own, Liverpool & Hampton   Pen).
                 Streets.                   47.  Spanish Town Road and Old Pound
              25. Woodford Park                P.oad.
                Collecting  boxes  have  also  been  erected in  Savanna-la-Mar,  Port  Antonio  and
              Montego Bay.
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