Page 58 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 58

52                   P OST  OFFICE  GUIDE.


                TuJ!l  Governmcn~ Telegraphs nre  undor the control  of  the l'ostmnslnr for .I!mtaic:l.
                'rhc  charge  for  telegrams  tlll'oughout J:unnicn is  nincpence for  nny n umber  of words
               up to twelve, nnd 11 half-pcrm.v for Cl'or·y add.itionnl word.  Tbc rLddrcS!I :tnd signatu re nre
               I.Joth  counted.  The chnrl-(c  is  puid in  postage stamps affixed  to  t~w rno...••snge.
                rr U1e addressee ~csidc within one milr of the terminnl office  the  td~grom is delivered
               hy messenger  without nny  nrld.itionnl charge;  but if  be.1·ond  th•Lt limit  the  following
              porterngr fee must !;e prep~ id:-
                a.  At thf' rate of Ucl.  per  mile (one way) counting from  boundary of free deli\•ery.
                b. If dt>li1•ery by horse messenger is required at the rate of 11 per mile {one way) cou:ating
              from the office.
                The  above  rate;  :1re  mnintaineJ  whenever prncticahle.  lf rnt'g~engers  <.>annot  be
              obtained  at  these  rates  the J'oslmistress is  authorised  to  mnke the  rnost  rC'asonablc
              ar rangement· possib:C.
                'l'hl' charge~ for  the  trans111lssion  :1nd for porterage of l~l~grams must be pre-paid.
                Persons  resident  at  a  phce  to  which  the  island  telegraph  lino  has  not  (yet)  b~en
              extended  Cf\11  benefit by its use on  t he  following conditions:-
                a.  If thl' words" fiy Post" wii'J1  lhr. narn~ of a tele~mph Rtation be wl'ittr.n on  a  ml'ssagr
              it  "'ill  be  telegraphed  to such  stntion and forwarded  from  theucr.  to its  address
              by first post.
                b.  If a  lrlter marked "On Post Office Telegraph Busin!'ss" br srnt by pn..t to the  tele-
              graph  clerk at any station the mcs.sngc enclosed will be promptly forw.1rded  by telegraph
               from Rurh station.  1n  thi~ cnsc  th!' lcttPr by post must be regi~tcrcd nnd the cost of the
               mes•age  enclosed  in  st:1mps or coin.  Telegrams may nlso  be handed  to a  mail  courier
               on his wny to a  te.egraph  office,  but tbe  clepartmPnt  does  not tnke  any liability for
                c.  l\o charge wiU be made in either cast for postage or registr3lion.
                Te!Pgruns  may  be  s~nt  to  any  port  for  outward  tr:tnsmission  ~s  letters.  The
               senders must write" By post" before the addrnssee'snamt>, and the name of  the terminal
               Tcl~grnph Office at the end of thl' addr\'ss.
                For example:-
                  " B.v P ost," Brown,  12 Fif~h Avenue, New York, KingsLon."
                In addition  to the ordinary telegraph charge the sender must also pny th,, postage fee.
                In such  cases  registered  addresses  cannot  be  used.
                 The  office  hours  are  fl'orn  7  n.m.,  to 5  p.m.,  daily-Sundnyd Md Public Holidays
                Night, Sunday and Holiday  I) services may be obtainerJ at the following rates:-
                a.  After  6  a .m.  until  8  ,,.m.,  double rate for  telegram,  plus a  fee  of 1/ to each
               clerk  handling the ~elegram and Gel.  for  the messenger.
                b.  After  8  p.m.  unlil  6  n.m. double rate for the l"l!  pl:u  a. fee of 2/  to encb
              clerk handling the telegram and 1/ for the messenger,
                c.  The charges of6d. and  I! respectively. for  messengers refer  only  to  telegrams  for
              delivery up  to one  mile from  the office.
                d.  On Public Holidays all  offices  are  opt:n from  7  a. m. to  {!  a. m.  and telegrams are
               accepted at the ordinary week t]ay r.:~tes durin:~ these hours.
                A  cerl'ified  copy  of  a  tolegrmn  may  be  obtained  on  application  to  Postmaster  for
               J amaica on payment of a fee of 6d.  If specia.l  search is neccss:~ry  the coft incurred will
               be charged in add it ion.
                Jnland tclc,!;rlillls are retained on file for 3 months, and fot·eign lclcgrnms for 6  months.
                Abbreviated telegr·aphic add•csses (inbnd) for use at any offi~e, may be registered  with
               the Postmaster  for J:1maica  at n cost of 5/- per annum,  or  upon  payment  of  £2 for  a
               permanent addres.~.
                CADLEGRAMs.-Fu/1 rale cablegrams Cor any part of the world may be ba:~ded in at any
               'l'clegrapb Office on payment of the inland charge in addition  to  the amount chnrged by
               the calle company.
                "Cablc;'!'ams addressed  to the United Kingdom and Ireland  or Europe, will  be routed
               "Via Imp~rial," unless ot berwise marked by the sender.
                {I)  Iu re3pect of !loliday ~erviceo 1  note condition~ sci out  in pnr.  d,
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