Page 54 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 54

48                   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE.
               Tl  joUowi 11 g u  a  partial  Li~t of  British  Colonia,  Pmlccloralc~,  and  P~lal Agencies
                  aiTtocul a7Ul o} the Principall•'aroign Cotmlrics to which Monr11 Orders may be sent. (I}.
                 • \ntigua  *Bahamas, *Bn.rbados, Bcll!;ium, *Bermuda, *Brit ish C uiana, *British Hoo·
               dur~s  *Brilisb  Possessions in Africa,*Cannda (Dorniniou  of),  (2)  Gnnnl  Zone,  *Cape
               of  G~od Hope  (Province  of),  *Caymnn  Islands,  *Ccylon,  China -•(a)  British  P.O.
               A  oncies  (b)  Japanese  P.O.  Agoncies,  Costa  Rica,  Cuba,  Cur:umo  (Dutch  West
               1 ~dies)  '•Cyprus  Danish  W.  fndics  (now  Vir~~:in  Islands  of  tho  .United  States),
               Donm.-t'rk,  •Dot~inic~,  *J~gypt,  *Federated  Mnl~y  .~tfll.cs,  ~Fiji,  l~rance and
               Al~erin  *Gibraltar,  Greece,  *Grenada  (W.  Ind.),  Jlawnu  (Snndwtcb  Is.),  Holland,
               Hondu;n~  (Republic  or),  *lfon~~:  Kon~,  •rnaguu,  • rndin,  Ttnly,  Japan,  J,uxcmburg
               (Grand  D~chy o£) ~1nda,ascar,  Madeira,  *)falta,  *Mauritius,  *Mesopotamia, :Mexico,
               (United  States of),  *\1ontserrat,  •.Morocco,  ::\'etherlandi,  *i'\cvis,  •Xcwfoundland,
               'lc 11 •  South  WaiC3  *Ne"· Zealand, *Ni:;eria,  N'orway,  *Palestine (Occupied  Territory),
               Panama (Brit. P.O.), Philippine lslnuds, Porto  Rico, Portugnl,  (includinll:  the  Azores
               at~cl :.\fadeira), Queensland,  Rus:sin,  *::it. Heleon,  •st. I<itts,  •st. Lucin,  •st.  Vincent,
               •f::cychelles, Shm.  *.Sierra  Leone,  *Sin!;apore,  ~outh Australia,  ••strnits  Settlements,
               •Sudan  Sweden,  -:wilzerland,  *Ta~mnnia, *Tobn;o,  •Tortola,  *Trinidad,  •Turks  and
               Caicos 'Islands, Un.itcd Stales of Anwric.~. Victoria (Australia), *Virgin Islands Britis t),
               Virgin Islands of tho United Stales, West Australia.
                                  T ckgraph Money Orders.
                The system  of Telegraph Money Orders is in  operation between t hu United  J{ingdom
               and .Jamaica.  T he remitter of a Telegraph Money  Order is •·cquircd to pay, in  nddit.ion
               to tho J\LO. commission, the cost of tho Telegram of Advice at  the ordinary  rntc  (2/4)  or
               nt the" deferred" rate (1·2) per word.  Ever~· word in the tclc.t;ram  has to be paid for;
               in the case of a" deferred" telegram, the instruction "L.C.O." is cltnrged as one word,
               nnd  the word  "Postmaster"  has also to be sent in every caso  and  must be  paid for.
               Further details may be  had  from  the Chief M .0. Office,  l(ingston, or from  J>arocbial
                                  POSTAL  ORDERS.
                Amounts oj poundogc.-Po~t:~l Orders arc sold and cashed n•, nil post offices in Jamaica.
               and in the countries mllrkcd with an asterisk (*)  above.  These orde rs nrc  printed on a
               paper bearing  an "all-over" watermark consisting of the  Royal Cipher- a  crown  and
               the letters G. v R., and they mertsure slightly less than 7 in. in length.
                The commissions charged on orders iss'ued are as follows:-
                     At 6d., ls., Is. Gd., 2s., 2s. Gd.           ld.
                     At 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s. Gd., 5s.                l~d.
                     At 7s. 6d.                                   2d.
                     At Ss., 10s.                                 2~d.
                     At 20s.                                      4~d.
                PO$I.age Stamps Affiud to Postal Ordcrs.-Tbe sender of a  postal order, whether made
               payable  in  the United  Kingdom  or elsewhere  (excepting  Canada},  mny  increase  its
               yaJuc by an amount not c..xcccdin~ 5d.  by affixing postal!;e stamps  not  exceeding two
               in number to the face of the order.  :-Jo  credtt 11ill be given  for stamps which are  in
              excess of  three or  which arc affixed  elsewhere  than in the spaces provided.  Odd half
               pence  wiU  not  be  pnid.  Stamps  perforated  \\ith initials or  marks,  or  embossed  or
               impressed  stamps cut out  of  envelopes,  post cards,  &c.,  cannot be  accepted  for  this
               purpose.                ·
                Pcn.od dunng toh;ch Orders arc 7)ayable.- If an order be not paid within t !tree months
              from  the last day of the  month of issue,  a  commission equnl  to the  original  pounda<>e
              will  be charged.  The  commis:sion  thus paid must be affixed  in postage stamps to  the
              back of the order.  Postal orders which are not presented for payment within sb: months
              from the last day of the month of  is~uc arc not paid until reference  has  been made to
                (1)  For complete list of places in which J\.Joney Orders are issued nod paid, see l3lcst
                    edition of London Postal  Guide.
                • British Postal Orders are also issued and paid in these countries, see" Postal Orders."
                (2)  British Postal  Orders arc p(nd at certain offices in  Caoad:~, but  arc Mt issued in
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