Page 55 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 55

               .  Pilltng in of Order.-The  purohnsor of a  pos.tal order :nust, before parting with it, fill
               • n the name of the person to whom the amount 1s to bo pn1d,  and is recommended  to fill in
               the nl\me of t he office of pnyment 1\S 1': precnution in c~e the order should be lost or etolen.
               If tho put·chnc;cr does  not know  wh1ch  Post Office •s  most convenjcut to the payee  he
               should insert the namo of the town,  villt\ge  or district  wbcro  the  payee resides.  'i'he
               order  will thon be paid nt any Post Office  in  the place named.
                Cotmhir}oli3.-E,•ory person to whom a postal order is issued should tear off and retain
               the counterfoil.  Its production will  facilitate inquiry if the order should  be lost,
                Miscarnaoc  or  loas.- The  i'o~tmastcr ct\111\0t  u11dcrlake  to  consider a11y  application
               r03pecting  n  postlll order  which  has  miscMricd, or which  hM  boon  lost or destroyed
               uulc.~s the counterfoil bo produced, and unlc.•s proof be f(i' en to his satisfaction that th~
               name of the payee Wl\8 inserted in the order before the bolder pnrted "ith it .
                After a  Postal  Order  has  once been  paid,  to whom.socvcr it is  paid, the Postmaster
               will not be liable to any further clniln.
                Paymtnl to Ilia  publw.- Beforc n  postal order  is  paid  the nu me  of the payee nod  the
               name of the office of payment mwt havo been filled in and tho order must be properly
                Paum~mt l/u·o11gh  Brmkcrs.- U  n postal  order be crossed,  payment will  only  be made
               through a bank;nud if the name of a bank bo:1\lded, payment will only be mad~ through that
                 Repayment In sender.-The sender of a postnl order can obtain repayment of the amount
               (but not  the poundage) on prcdcnting tho order and the counttrfoilnt the issuing Office.
               If the order has been cro.'l3ed for paymen~ through a  bank the sender must first cancel
               the crossing  by  writing  across the  face of the order the words  "Please pay  cash" and
               adding his initials.
                 ErM1tns, alt<Jral1011s,  &c.-If nny erasure or alteration is made, or if the order is cut,
               defaced,  or mutilated,  payment may  be  refused.
                 Postal Orders not n.golltlble.-Po;rtal orders do not, like Bank of England notes represent
               value  in themselves.  If an order is  lost or stolen  no  person  into whose hands it may
               fall,  through  himself  innocent,  is entitled  to  recei\'o  the amount of  the order.  T he
               rightful owner is alone entitled to cash the order.
                                     I~EPLY COUPO  S.
               Intornationnl  Reply  Coupons  arc sold  at the  )loncy  Order  Office,  Kingston,  at  6d,
                ach, and l •nporia.l Reply Coupons at 2td. each.  T he forrncr represent the postage on
               a single-rate letter  mailed in any country of the Postal Union, and the lalt~r the postage
               on a single-rate letter mailed in any country of the British Empire.  Coupons are cashed
               at the rate of 3d. for a 5(}-centime, and 1 ~d.  for a  25-centimc coupon.
               Postage  Stamps of the following denominations are sold:-
                 !d., ld.,  l!d., Zd.,  2!d.,  3d., 4d., 6d.,  Is.,  2s.,  3s.,  5s.,  !Os.
                 13ooks containing eighteen ld. stamps and twelve ~d.  stamps are issued, prlco 2s.
                 lnla11d post cards arc sold at ~d. each,  Reply paid at Jd.;  Int~mal\onal Post Cards
               at  Id.,  Reply paid, 2d.
                 _Vewapapcr wrapper& are sold at ! d. each.
                 Registerc(l/ctter enucwpcs (linen-lined)  b~nring a 3d. stamp embossed 011  tbc flap for the
                payment of registration fee 2d. and postage 1d., are of two sizes and sold at  3}d. aud 4d.
                 JudlClill Stamps of the values 3d., 6d.,  1/, 2/, 5/, and StO are sold at all Post Offices
               where  there is a  demand for  them.
                 Impressed Stamps,  title deeds and blank slips are on sale at nil Post Offices.
                 Qtnmnc is also sold at all Post Offices in ~d.  and ~d. packages.
                 The following is a  description,  together with the dates of issue, of all  postage stamp
                in circulation:-
                nation.        Description.                     Date of issue.
                  ~d.   Kin!': George V.                       Xo''·  3,  1927
                 ld.   Arawak Indian making cassaYa            Oct.   3,  1921
                 J!d.   Contingent embarking:  Inset, head of H.M. King George   July   4,  1919
                 2d.    King's House, Spanish Town             Feb.  18,  1921
                 2!d.   Return of a Contingent                     Do.
                  3d.   "Jamaica discovered by Columbus, 1494"   April  8,  1921
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