Page 50 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 50



       Trn: Government Telegr11.phs  are under  the control or  the Postmat~tor for Jsmaica.
       l'b••  ch.'l.rge  for telcgrnrus  tb.roughout  Jnm.~ica ill  ninepence  for uny  number of words
      np to twelve, 11nd a  half-penn.v for evt:r.~ lldditiooal word.  The address Rnd sil{na.ture are
      both couoled.  The ch:u'll;e  is paid io post.uge st.nmps affbced  t.o  the me  AAge.
        If the a.ddresseP  reside  w within one mill' of the t.ermilllil  office  the telrgrsm is delivered
      by mcs.~.eoge•  without nny artditiooal charge; but if be.vond  that limit tbo following por-
      terage  foo  must  he  prep!id :-
       a.  At the> rate of tld.  pl'r rnil<>  (onn wny) c•ounlmg frorn boundary of froo delivery.
       b. 1I dPlivery by horse me!lSengPr is required ut the mte of L/ pet mile (one W.J.Y) counting
      from t.he  offiee.
       Tho ahove rn.tes  are  mn.wtuined whcn~'Vt'r prn.clicnhlc.  I£  mcs.qcngt:rs  cnnoot  be ob-
      tained nt these rates the Po.~t1nlatress I~ authoriSt'd  ~make tht; most reasorable arrange-
      ment  possible.
       The charges for the transmits.siou anu for porterag" of tclt>  must l:>t'  pr&-paid by
      means of adhesive  stamps.
        Pcr.>oos  resident at  a  pJ.we  to  which  th~>  isl~nd telt>grsph  line  has  ooL  yet  been
      e.~eoued ran bl'nefit  by  ita  use  on  rho following conditions:-
       IJ,  rr the words "By PC)St" .with t.he>  lllUllD of a  tel~>f(rnph >it!\tion !M' writtt•n on a mel'88ge
      it will  be  wiN-d to  such ,tntJon  und forwardPd from  tbencl' to  its posted address by firs~
       b.  J1 n Jotter rnurked "On Post Oflice Telegraph Bu<~in<>ss" be sent by ptMt  to the  tele-
      ~rU(Ih  clerk  ar.  any  B!ILtJOu  l.bu  m•·SMge  t<nclus••d  will  be  IH'umvtl..v  ful'lv•u-dl!d  by tl1ir~
      from "uch statiort.  In  lhis mse r h1.1  leti'A>r by post must be regiAtercd  and the cost of the
      mc.>s.•l\f!e  enclosed  in  st•1mp:~ ur coin.  Telegram"  rn~y nlso be hAnded  to 1\  mt~il courier
      on his w!'ly  t{) a  telegr.\ph office,  but the departmPut de>~>-'> not take any liability for  IJli$..
       c.  No chsrgc '1\-ill  be rn!'luc in either CB.Se  for po .• tal{e or registration
       TeiPI(r\ms  ntal  b•·  »<·nt  to  AllY  port  for  nutwru-d  transmiP.~iQn  'IS  let~rs.  The
      senders must write "by poat '' before the a.ddrl>ssee'~ nnmc, d.Ild  the name of the tcrmin&l
      Telegraph Offir.e at the encl of  the address.
       For Pxample:-
         "B.v Post," Dro\Vll,  12 Fi!tb  Avenue,  Ne1v York, 1\iugst{)o. ''
       In 1\ddition to  the ordinAry telegraph  ~barge the st>n<ler  u1ust also pny tbn posta,.ce fee.
       In such  C8.8CS  registered  addresses  call.Dot  be  USl-d.
        The  office  hours  are  from 7  a.m ,  to 5  n.m.,  d!J.ity-sundo.ys and Pu!Jiie  Rolidnys
      CXC'~pU.od.       •      .           .           .
       ~ip;ht, Su.ullay and flohday* Jcrvtr.cs mn:v  be obtauwl nt ~he follo'l'l'l'll; ratt-1.  -
       a.  Betwe-en  6  a.m. and ~ p.rn.,  double rnt.l'  for  teiPgram,  plus a  fee  of  If t()  ooch
      clerl.: hand.ling the  telegram  and 6d.  for  the  nle~<'Dircr.
       b.  Between 8  p.m.  IIOU  () ~.m. double' rate for  lhe telegrams  plus  a  fee or  2/  to  et\Ch
      clerk hn.ndliug  the tell!grntn uud  1/ for the messenger.
       c.  The chnrges of Od. Md 1/ respectively for meS!cogel'3 refer only to  r.elegrams  for  d&-
      livery up  to  one  mile  from  the office.
       d.  On Public Houdays llll officl!ll are open from 7 ll.m.  to 9 a. m. tclcgralll8 are accep-
      ted at  the ordinary u·eek day ralu during thue h01Jrl.
       A  certified  copy  of  :\  tei~'Tam  ruay  be  obtllined  on  application  to  Postmaster for
      Jamaica on po.ymeut lift\ fee of 6d.   Ir special search is necessary  the cost incurred will
      be charged in addition. telegrams nrc retained on 61e for 3 months, aod foreign  tclegrlltlls for 6  montha.
       Abbreviated telegraphic addresses (inland) for U!IC at llllY office, n~y bo registered  with
      the Postmaater for Jamaica M n cost of 5/- per lllUium, or upon payment  or £2!or  a  ~
      IIWlCllt a.ddreas..
       OA.DLll:GRU!S.-FuU f'OlR  cablegram11 tor any part of tbe world may be  handed in at any
     Telegraph Office on payment of the inland tolls in to the amount oba.rged  by the
     oa.blc  company.
       Cablegrams !lddressed lo the  United Kingdom and Ireland or Europe, will  be  routed
     "Via Imperial," unless otherwise  marked by  t.he  Render.
             •ILl respeet or llolldol/ urvices note condition• •et out io paracrapb d,

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