Page 52 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 52

                       w         Page                            Page.

       Ad vice of delivery or Insured ArtjclM   25  Letters;
       Advice of delivery of Registered Ar~ictes;   Redirection     4()
          Inland                     i    Registration, Inland      11
          Foreign                   2-l      Do.    Foreign    . .   ~H
       Arrival and despnUlh  o£  Mails:   Return to "' Od~r,  wbon probibirt~d 47
          Inland (Tuhle of)       10-18   Undelivered  Correspondence  . .   47
          Foreign                 ::?1-22  Let(er Uags •wd Boxe~;   47
                                       Liquids, Transmission  of    23
       "Blind Literature''     .    34
       Book Post.  Se.;  t~tulet•  Printed  Pap<!r:~.   1Itiil C01whes Fares   I !1·20
                                       Military Forces, Letters uddressed to   3:1
       Cable Rates                  -ill  Military Forces, Parcels addressed w  27
       Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) Serviue   28  i\Iouey Orders:
       Christmas Cards,  writing on   . .   5   [,jst of Countries
       Coin, etc., Transmission of   6, 24, 30   Telegraph Money Orders
       Commercial  Papers;
          Inland                     6  Na.val Forces, Lettersndclressed to   33
          Foreign                   22    Parcels addressed  to     '.tl
       Compensation~                   Newspapers,  Inland          4
          Insured Letters           25  Newspapers, "Registered"    4
          Registered Articles,  Inland   6  Newspaper wrappers      •15
                 Do.     Foreign    24
          Uninsured Parcels         30  Offices  List of Post     10-18
       Compulsory  Registration      6  Official  Correspondence    7
       Correspondence,  I~oreign, classes of   22  Official Correspondence, ll.egistratioo or   !)
            Do.    Inland I  classes or   4  Oversea Mails          21
       Dangerous Articles         6·23  Parcel Post, Foreign:
       Dutiable Articles by Letter 1\lail   24   C. 0. D. Service   28
                                          Exchange with Canada      31
       Envelopes, Registered Letter   45       Do.   Panama, etc.   31
                                               Do.   U.K.           28
       Greasy Substances, Transmission or   23   Do.   U. S.  A., etc.   30
                                               Do.   W.  I. Isllluds ..   32
       Hours of husiness at Post Offices  . .   4   General Regulations   2()
       Hours of business at Telegraph Offices  48   Import Duties   27
       House Delivery           .   46    Insuranoe                 29
                                          Postage Rates, table of   35-42
       Imitation Typewritten Documents   5   Prefer entia I Tariff   27
       Impressed Stamps             45    Prepayment of Duty        20
       Insurance or Foreign Letters   25   Prob.ibited Articles     32
       Insurance of Foreign Paruels   2()   Undelivered Paraels   3()..31
                                       Parcels, lnliWd               6
       Jewelleryt. Transmission ot   6, 24, 30  Porterage on Telegrams   4S
       Judicial  titll.mps          45  Post Offices, HoUI'3 or business at ..   4
                                       rost Offices, Liat of      10-18
       Lettel'3:                       Postage on Official registered letters   I)
          Dutiable Articles in      24  Postage Rates on all classes of
          Insuranoo, Foreign        25     Inland                  4-6
          Limits or weight and aize, Inland   4   Foreign           33
                    Do.     Foreign  33·34  Postal Ordel'3          44
          ProhibHed Articles        24  Post Cards:
           Rates of Postage, Inland   4    Inland                    4
                Do.    Foreign      33     Foreign                  22
   47   48   49   50   51   52   53