Page 49 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 49

STRJlJElT  COLLECTING  BOXES,              47
                  APPLICATIONS  fOn RECAL L  OF LETTERS.
        No letter, parcel  or other postal packet can,  when  once it has been posted in a.  Post
      ()ffice receptacle or accept.ed for  transmission at a  Post Office,  be taken out of the post,
      -even if application be made for H by a person who ca.n prove that he is the sender, with-
      out  the authority  of the Governor.  Nor eau it be detained or delayed at the sender's
      request;  it  must  be  forwardeEl  to  its  address· and  cuunot  be diverted  to any other
      ~ddress.         w
                     PniVATE LETTER BOAES AND  BAGS.
        Private letter boxes, available for  the subscribers·  use from  7 a. m.  till  5.30  p.m.  on
      week days (a.nd also for  two or three hours after t.he arrival of  important  over-sea mails)
      may be rented  for 12s.  a  year at the Post Offices  of IDngston. (from 8  n.m.  to  4 p.m.,)
      J>ort  AJ:ltonio,  Montegc Bay  and  Ma.ndeville.
        Private bags-By permission of the Post.master for Jamaica any person may have his
      letters conveyed to and from the Post Office in a private  bag  upon p11ymeut of an annual
      fee  of one guinea.  The bag to be looked,  one  key being  kept by the and
      ·One by the owner of the bag.
        When  a  private  letter bag is  conveyed  by  a  mail  cont.ractor a further annual ree  or
      one guinea is to be paid.  These  ree.~  must be paid in ndvanc!e  through the Postmsster
      ior Ja.maicll..
                             POSTE RESTANTE.
        The Posl.e Restante is intended solely for the 11coorumodation of strangers and tr~vellers
      and even they may not use it for more than three months.
        Letters nddt·essed  to initials, or to ficLitious  narues, or tu  a  cbrist.iAn  name without  11.
      surname are  not  t.aken  in  at  the  Poste Restante,  but  are  tre:1ted  ~ undelivered  and
      returned to senders.
                    Period of Retention or Unrleliverlld Correspondence:
                Origin.            At Kingston.     At  District Post Offices.

      P~ces abroad                  Four weeks         Eight weeks
      "Local                        Two weeks          Four we~>ks

                        STJU:ET  COLLECTING  BOA~.

        Collecting  boxes  are  to  be  fou.nd at the following  places in  Kingstoo  and  Lower St.
       Andrew.  (The times af. which  they are cleared are stll.led on each.)
        1.  Ring and North Street.s   23. Campben Town, Liverpool & liawpton
       2.  Colonial Secretary's Office   Street.'>.
       3.  Charles and Enst Streets   24. Woodford Pa.rk
       4.  Kingston Gardens           25.  Duke and  Frarhour Streets
       5.  Fire Brigade Station       26. Manchester Square, South Race Course
       6.  Jnmaica Club               27. Lnws and East Streets
       7.  Torrington Bridge          28.  Bll.llllah St. and Rose Lane
       8.  Allman Town ConsLabulary Station   29. Arnold Road,  north or Connolly Avenue
       9.  South Camp Read near North Street   30.  Studley Park Road
       10.  Righholbora a ad Laws Streets   31. South Camp Road Hotel
       11.  Park Lodge                32.  Marescaux Road and Club Lane
       1.2.  Brown's Town Constabulary Station   33. Corner of Rope Road & Oxford Road
       13.  Tower Street and Elletson Road   34. Retirement Road near Retirement Pen
       14.  Marine Gardens            35. Knutsford Park Gate
       15.  Spanish Town Road and BeestonStreet  36.  King's House Gate
       1().  Parade, by Parish Church   37. Bedford Park Gate on  the Constant
       17.  Princess and Harbottr Street11   Spring Line near Sandy Gully
       18.  Prinuess a.n.d West Queen Streets   38. Bar{>ioan Road
       19.  Ga.rdner's, Harbour Street   39.  Pa.pme Corner
       2n.  Orange and Charles Streets.   40. Brentrord and Curphey Roads
       21.  Fro.nklin Town Police Station   41. Grove & Central Ruads, Kencot Lauds
       22. Smith Village, Percy and Wellington Sta.  42.  Molines Road and Tarra.nt Lane
        Collecting  boxes  have  also  been erected  in Savann&-la-Mar and  Port Antonio.
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