Page 46 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 46

44                    POST  OFFICE  GL'JUE
         Tile  followill{l  is  a  partial  List  of  Bl'ili~h Colonies,  P/'QWCI{}I'ala,  and PoAial  Agenc6~
            abroad mul of lhts Princ~pal Foreigtl Counlriu lo wilicll Money Orders may be mtt. ~   i1
         •Antigua,  *Bahuroll$,  "Barbados,  Belgium,  •Bcrnludu.,  •British  Guil\na,  •Brit.ish  Hon- 1  t
         -duras 1  •antish  Posse~sions  in  Africa,  •tCruhldol  /Dominion  of),  Cnrutl  Zou"t  •cape  e
         ~~ Go<?d  Hope  (Pro,·ince  of),  •cayn;nn Island~, -Ceylon, China:-•(a)  Rriti;.n  P. 0, t J,  (b)  Jupaucse  1>.0.  Agenctes,  Costa  ltiaa,  Cuba,  Curacao  (Dutch  West   ·
         Indie.s,)  •cyprua,   w Danish  W.  Todies  (now  Virgin  islaurls  of  the  Uniwd  States)   1
         Algeria,  *GibraHar,  Greece,  *Grenada  (W. Iud.),  Hawaii (SMdwicll.  Is.),  HoUa.nd, I
         Deumar k,  •Doruinic.<l.,
                           •Egypt,  *Federated  l\fnlay  States,  *Fiji,  Prlln•:e  and
         Hondur!IS  (Republic  of),  •Hong  Koug,  *Inagua,  •tndi~t,  Haly,  .Japan,  Luxl'rnburg,   r
         (Grand  Duchy  of),  MndllgllSCar,  M aderia,  *Malta,  *.Mauritius,  •NJe..opotamia,  Mexico,   t
         (!Jnited  Stnt;es  of),  •Montsern\t 1  •Morocc  .  ~etiH•rb.och;,  ·~evis, "J11e1vfoundland 1
         1\ew  South  Wales,  •New  ZealRnd,  *Nigerio,  Norway,  •P!I.Ie~wte (Occupied Territory),
         Pauamnf (Brit. P.O.),  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,  Portugal,  (includinl.(  tb.e  Azorea
         and  Madeira),  Queensl~~.nd,  Russia.,  ~st .  ITclene.,  •St.  Kitls, •st. LuoU.,  •St. Vincent,
         *Seychelles.  Sirun,  *Sierr~  Leone,  "Singtlpore.  South  Aust,ruli·t,  'Straits SetUeruenl-':1
         •S•!thn . 8wt~en,  Switr.erland,  *Tnllmfloh\,  •TI)bago,  ~Tortoh<  •Trinidnd,  •Turks nnd
         Ca1cos  Lllnnd~.  Uuited  St11tes  of  America,  Yiutoria,  (Austmli"J'  •Virgin Isl~clda,  Virgin
         Islands uf tb.e trruteJ States, West Australia.
                              Telegraph  1'1oncy Ord c:r~.
           The system of Telegraph Money Orders is in  operl\l.iou  bt:t.w~en tl\1\  United  Kingdom
         .and Jamaiea.  The remitter or A.  Tei~'Tspll :\lone.v Order is required to pay,  in addition
         to the M.O. commission, the cost oi  the Tele.:cram of AdvicP nt lho onlinary rat.e  (2/4) or
         ~t, t.h~:  deft:rted" rate (Ij2) per word.  Every Wl)rd in  the telegrnn•  ha;, to  be  paid for;
         Ill the  t'lll!e of !\ "deferred" t.elegr11n1,  tho instrut~t.iou •· l..f.'.O.'' is oltJirged  as one worrl,   I  I
          and  tJlt!  word  "PostmHStt'r"  ha.. also  to  be :><?nt  in eve!'}·  r.;tl:!e  'lnd  must  bc:>  pllhl !or.
         Further details  ITLIIV  be  hod  from  t.l1e  Chief  M.Q.  Offic•~:  Kiugstof'l,  or  from  Parochial  I
         Treasuries.   •
                             POSTAL  ORDERS.
           Amotmls and  potmdaqe.-ThA  only  postal  orders sold  in .l:!mnicn  nre  British  postv.l
         ..()rcll'rs,  and  thl'y llre  issued and pAid  ut all  lhe Post  Oflie~•s in  the  lsland.   They ate
         availnl>le tot· use in the colony and in the British Coloniel' und otlt~r JJblues abroad m::~rked
         -with AA  fi.Slerisk•  abuve.
           The comruissions char!{ed oo  ord~rs issued Me ru:s  followa:-
                At 6d.,  ls.,  Is. Gd.,  Za.,  2s.  Gd.         ld.
                At as .. , 3s.  Gd., 4s.  Od., .Ss.             l~d.
                At Is..  !id.                                   2(],
                At Ss.,  lOs.                                   ~ld.
                At. 20s.                                        4!d.
           Poklage 8tampn 1tjjircd 14  Postal Orders.-The sender of  n postal  order, whether made
         payable  in  the  United  Kingdom  ot  elsewhere  (e.(cept.iog  Canada),  may  it.a
         value by Utt amount not exoeedin.;  5d.  b.Y  i.illixing  posta~e st.<mps  not exce<><ling  three
          in  number  to  thP.  face  of  the  order.  No  oreJit will  Le  given  for stamps  whioh  nre  in
         .excf:S3  of  tltree or w hi eh nre affixed elsel91J(:l'e  th•lll  in  tl:e spaces provided.  Odrl  half-
         pence will  not be paid.   St.amps perfomLed  wi~b  inilfula  or  marks,  or eroboased or
         ilnpreRSed  stomps  l!ttt  out  of  envelope.;,  post.-carcls,  &c.,  cannot  be  ncceptcd  for  this
           PeriiJd dtlrinll whi<:/1  Ordel'8  are  pa11obl6.-Ir lin order be not paid witb.iJl three mou~hs
         from  the bat  of  the month of  issue,  a  couuuissioo eqtml  to  t.b•;  ori,ltiJ.u!J  pol.lll.dllge
         "Will  be  ahn.rgel!.  The cotn.mi:;siort  thus  pll.ill  must  be affi..xud  in po.~tnge stamps t.o  tile
          back  of  the  order.  Postal  ordt>rs  whiuh  are  not  for  payment  witllin  si.'f
         n10ntha from  the  lost day  of  tbe  month of issue are  not  pa.itl  until  rderen~e has beco
         made t.o  London.
           <; For colllplct.e  list of places  in  whlcb  MontY Ordent  are  iaeued  and paid  3ee  h1teat  edition  nf
                                  London  Postal Guide.
          •  British Postal Order& are ali!O  tsaueO. and paid In these countries.  See "Postal  Orders.''
          t 'B,I(.Isb  P011t11l  Orders are 1)aid at certain offices to  Caoada, but 11re 1101  isou1d in Oanadll.
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