Page 45 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 45


                         MONEY  ORDERS.
       Money  Ordera  are issued  at  the Rend  Office,  IGngston, and  at the several  Paro<'hial
     'J'reasuries  in  the chit>f  town of each  parish.  Applications  for money ordE"rll  addressed
   1  either  to  the  for  Jnmaiu.<J.  or  to  a  Parochial  Tt't'asurC'r  are free  of  poRtage~
     (The rtlf,ristrntion  fee  of 2d.  rnust,  bo;vcver,  be  prepaid.)
      The  commissions  on  monl'l'  orders  drAwn  on  t.he  Unit.ed  Kingdom,  Panama,  Cost4.
     T!ica :tnd  the Cnyr.n!ln  lshmds are a3 under:-

          For any sum uot eJ~Ceedin~t   .£2                Os.  9<1.
          AIJ(lve  £2 and nu~ exceed.iu11:   5              1  G
          Above  5   "    "         ;                       2  3
          Abo1c  7   "    "        10                       a  0
     and 5d. for ea~h addit.ional .Cl  or fraNionul  part  thereof.
      Tb<>  comroissious  on money  orders  dra1111  on  tbe United States of  Amerioo,  Oanl\d&~
     Canal  Zone  and  Philippine  islahdl; are  as  under:-
          For nny su ru  not exccediug  £2                Os.  9d.
          For any sum over £2 and not e.~ceeding  £5          I)
                 "     s     "     "    i                   2  a
                 "     7    "      "   10                   3  0
     and 3d. for each udditional  £1  or fractiom\1  part of that, lltUount.
      The  commi..<lsioo.'l  ou ruoney orders drawn  oo  B~rbtldo~,  'lritish  Guitlaa,  the  Wind-
     ward  Islands,  the  L~cward  lsll\llds,  British  Honduras,  Bermudn,  'rurks  Islands  rwd
     Trinidad :tre o.s  under:-
          l<'or uu.v surn not exueetlin~                   Os.  (id,
          Above £2 and  not   .i                1  0
          Above  o                 7                          ()
          Ahon  7   "     "       lO                        :.?  0
     :~nd IJd. for t"aoh udditional .t:a or fraction11J  prtri thereof.
       The  limit  amount for money orders drawn on  Unit-ed  Kinll,'dom,  P!lnama, Costa Rica,
     Barbudos, Rrit.ish Guiana,  the Windward Is!rmds. th~ Leowarrl Island.;;, Briti&b Hondums,
     Bermuda,  Turh Ishnds,  Trinidad and  Cnym11.n  Islands  is £m,  nnd on  United  Stales
     of  An.1ericn,  Canada., CMnl Z{lne ami Philippine Islnnds, !:'20  IOs.  Sd. or 5100.
       No application crut  be  cntert.rlinP.d  for compensation for alleged  injury  from  the  non-
     pn.yment  of  f\  money  order at.  the CKpeetcd  time.  When n.  montw  order is applied for
     it must be on  the clear nnderstantling that no such  daim wiU  be  u.llowetl,  and that tht-
     Post  OliiC'e  is  not, liable,  under  any  circumstances,  to  more  than  one  payment of a
     money  'Jrder,  P,VI'll  when,  notwithstanding  the  precautions  that  are  taken,  the  order
     has been paid to a person not ent.itleu to receive the monev.  ne-payment to the remit-
     ter of a  noouey  ordet'  cannot  be  made  lllltil the chief office of the paying country  h~
     been commuuicate<.l  wi.lh;  1\nd  applic~lions for  re-paymeut should  be accompaitied  by
     a sum equal to the 11riginat oommission ou the order.
       A Through  ~looey Order E.xcha.nge  ll.lso  e~ist.s between  Jrunaica  and  certain British
     colonies and  fort?ign  countries  via  the  United  Kiop;dom.  Such  through  money orders
     are  8Ubier.t  on  pn.yruent  to a  deduction  of  two-pence  for  euch  £1  with  a  mio.imum
     charge of  four-pence.  The full  name aud  nddres.~ of  thll  payee  or  a  through  money
     order must  be given to enable the Chief Money Orrler  Office,  London, to forward to tb&
     payee  a  money order Cor  the net  amount payable,  the  money  order  issued  to  tbe
     remitter being  only of value as a  rect>ipt f(lr  the amount  paid and should bo retained
     by  th,e
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