Page 48 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 48

POST  Ol"!l'fCl!l  GtTIDE.
        nation.         Description.                       Du.t.- of lsaue1
         4d.   The Cathedral, Sp11nisb Town               .Jan.  21,  1921
         Ud.   View of Port Royul Harbour, 1853   . .      Dee.  5 1  l922
         1/    " Q IE'Iln Victoria of Jamaica, T.ady Supreme"   Dec.  10,  1!)20
         2/    The Rodney Memorial                            Do.
         3/    "Sir Chnrles Metcalf. Governor of Jamaica 18:!0-12"   Do.
         5/    "J~le of Wood and Wa1er"      .             April  15,  1921
        10/    "Georg3 V, of J~tmaica Supreml.' Lord"   .   . .   M11.y  6 1   1920
         All postage st.a.u1ps of thn colony are now being printed on  the 111ultiple Crown  Script
       -\C.A.) 1\'ater-mark paper.
                              STAMP  VENOOQS.
         The folowin.g  is  11  list  of Vendors of Postage st..~mps with  their addrPs.s<>s:-
         l<JNGS'ION.-W.  M.  AJberga,  la  Kint;Stoll  Lallll;  F .• -\.!ten,  "\Y<tldeck  Grocery;  Mrs.
       A. E. Bowman)  Ill North Street;  R. C. Brown, •J5  Sp~nish Town Roud; Mrs. Buffin,  6
       Rne l::itrect; A.  M.  B11rke,  Allman  Town;  A.  C.  Cnmpbell,  82  l:iarboiJr Strllet;  Albert.
       Chang,  2G  Vi()toria  Ave.;  ~Irs. C.  F.  Forbes,  H~ll.ll.Sh Tmm;  F. N.  Ridalgo.  P11rAd.e;
       ..A.  W.  G>~rdut>r &  Co.,  lb.rbour Streat; r,o,tis  Coodeu,  50 Beeston  Strfflt;  Thomllil M.
       Gun~.P.r,  !5  West  Race Course;  Ho  Fung,  SU  King Street;  Miss  Orinthia  Job.nson,  1
       IIPctor  Street.,  Woodford  Park; JoiJn S.  Jones.  16  Windward  Road;  C.  E.  Lindo,  ~ 1
       Foster  L!IJie;  Michael  Lindo,  40  Omnge Stre!'t;  W.  A.  I.indo, Rae  Townj. llt•ur.v  R..
       Linton,  21  Potto~s Row,  Ra~ Town;  H.  A.  Madrien,  2 Stephen  Street,  Miss  l{ild11
       McCaw,211  Windl\'l>rd  Road,  1\II.  McGilcb.rist,  136G  Oran!te  St:e('t;  A.  C.  M~lil\)',  21
       West Pnmde; Miss .\da.  Pcarson, Arnold Ro!ld;  Miss  Rol>erf.son,  fi3~Tower Stree~;  C.
       A. Scot.t .!.-Son,  M  ~orth Street; 1'.  F.  Strr.chan,  19{~ Orange Street; Bugcne Surridgc,
       ,'3:3  WE'.t>t  Paradfl; Miss T.  Tenny5Qn 1  R.  M.  Court.s'  Offi~e;  Y.M.C.-\.,  Hanover Streel;
       Chnng  You. u:l Tower Street.
         Co~P-o-mv-Leslil' ].  Burke,  Molynes Road, Half-wily Trel:';  Chin  Fook,  Pt.  Antonio;
       J.Irs.  TT.  Evaus,  Clevcden  Villa,  'Kenr-ot,  &If-way  Tree;  N11  Yen,  Cros.<~  llo~ds; John
       Chin  Yaw  Koug,  W11shville,  Highgnte;  C.  Gordon  Parkin,  1>fontego  Bay:  O:;car
       .Seaton, Snv.-la-Mnr;  Mi<;haol  Sha.w,  Merlie Hill, Bartons.
                              MOUSE  DELIVEQY.
                           (lttNGSTON Al'fO  LOWER 8'1'.  A.NOtU;W.)
         Correspondence is delivered by letter tmrriers in alt partl!  or the Ciry  of Kingston, in-
       -cluding Smith's VWage,  Hannah Town, Campbell Town, Fra..nldin Town, Brown's Town,
       Passmore Town, the northern limits or Arnold Road and South Cump Rolld. including' the
       Goodwin Lands and to the east of the city as far liS Kensington Road, four times daily,
       ~iz., 8.30 n.m., 10.30 a.m.l  1.30 p.m. a.od 4.15 p.m.
         Correspondence is delivered in Lower St. And.rew liS below:-
         From lLU.F-WA T 'l'RilJJ Post Office at8.30 a.m. and 2 p.m.
         NoaT:a-CalDperdown  Switch on  tbe Constant Spring Road  and  the  road  leading to
       King's House.
         SoUTH-Oxford Road,  Kencot Lands included.
         EA-sT-Matilda's Corner and Hope Road,  from  Oxford Road.
         WEST-Carrisbrook  on  Hagley  Park Road,  Molines Road  to  junction  with  Ta.rrant
       Lane, Old Pound Road and Lyndlmrst Road t-o junction of Retireme~t Road, and "NeilhY
       Court", Red Hills Road.
         From Cnoss RoAIIS Post Office at 9.15 a.m. and 2
         NoaTB-From  Cross  Roads  Post  Office,  along Caledonia  Avenue,  up  to  Half-way
       'Tree and Hope Road to corner of Oxford Road.
         Sou'l'H-Torriogt.on Bridge a.nd Sl.ipe Pen Road.
         EAs'I'-Marescaux  Road.
         WEs'I'-From Cross Rotids 1  along Retirement Road to corner of Lyndhurst Road and
       Old Pound Rood, inoluding Brentford Road.
                     I?EOJQECTION  OF  COJltlE.SPONDENCE.
         Any post-al packet may be re-directed to  the same addressee at anot.ber address either
       by an officer of  the Post Office or by an agent of the addressee after delivery.
         'l'he fee for detaining and delivering in Kingston,  packet letters addre.sseJ  to  District
       Post Offices,  or for  detaining and  r&-directing such  letters to any  other postal address
       is 1s. for  each service.
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