Page 51 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 51

TELEGRAPHS.                          49
         This route offers the advantage of a direct, speedy and reliable service between  Jamaica
       a.nd the United Kingdom and Ireland. and Europe; it is entirely British owned and  operated
       and touches  only British  territory.
         Patrons are urged to mark their cablegrams  "Via Imperial,"  for  which  indication  no
       charge is made.
         DEFERRED  C""BLEGRA¥8  in plain  language  lU'e  accepted  at ball rates  to  most  parts
       of the world.
         WEEK·l!INn  LE•M:&n  CA.BLEGRA.\18 in  plain  language accepted for the United King-
       dom and Ireland, United States,  Canada,  Newfoundland,  Ha!Hax,  N.S.,  Bermuda,  and
       Turks Island.
         WrRELEss  M.EssAORS for ships at sea are accepted for  transmission through the D.W.I.
       Cable Co.'s Kingston Station to  vessels within  a  radius of  300 QJj]es  at a  rate of  lOd.
       per word.  Vessels beyond  this distance can be reached at increased rates.
         Cut.£  RATEs.--Drdinarzt.  "Via Bennuda," "Via  Bermudn  Imperial"  or " Via  West
       India & Panama Telegraph Co. ":  per  word,  Austria,  3/; Belgium, 2/Si,  etc.;  Canailn.
       according  to  locatio~  1/6  to  2/1;  France,  2/8!;  Germany,  2/fl!:  Great Britain  and
       Ireland, 2/4; United I::States,  according to location,  1/6 t.J  2/1.
         "Via Bermuda-Marconi" to Great Britain and Ireland, 2/2  per word.
         DeferrecJ.-To all  pointij  mentioned  above at half the rates quot.ed.  These  messages
       must be in  plain  language and  must bear  the  prefi."<
         LCO  (lang~e of nount.ry of origin),  LCD  (language of co11ntry of  dispatch) or
         LCF  (French)  which  is  counted  for  and signalled  as  the  first  word  in  the address.
       Such messages must not contain code words in  the teltt, though registered cable addresses
       may be used.
         WEEK-ENo:-Tbese cables sre accepted by both Cable Companies for all stations in  the
       United  I<ingdom and Irehmd  at the rate of tl/8 for 20 worcld (minimum) and 7d. for eMh
       additional word.  Rates to  other uount:ries on application.
         The prefi.x "W.L.T.," which is counted and charged as one word, must be written a.s  the
       first word for the address.
         These  cables  must  be  written  entirely  in  plain  languagl",  and  must.  reach  the  Cable
       Company's Office  in  Kingston  before closiu,g  hour on  S11turday,  nod are  deliverable on
       the  Monday  morning  following.
         ALL BmTIBB  Rotru •ro  THE B.W.I.-The new  "All  British cable to the British West
       lndies is  now  open.  Messages  for  this  rouLe should be  rout.ed  ''Via D.W.I. Cable Co.
       Ltd."  Rate 1/3 per word to  British West Indian Islands  only.  Deferred messages 7~d.
       per word.
         Public telephone call offices have been established ut Cross  RoacLs and  Half-way  Tree
       Post Offices.  The fee is 2d. for a conversation not exceeding three minutes.
         Local  telegrams  horn  authorized  Government  officials,  members  of  lhe  Lt>,gislative
       Council and other autborued persons oo public busineBS  Bie  transmitted free of  charge.
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