Page 47 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 47

REPLY  COUPONS.                      45
 e;   F'illing~n of Ordi11'.- The purcb~ser of a postal order must, before  partiug  with it,  fill
    in the n&llle of the person to whom the amoLtnt is to be paid. and is recommended to fill in-
  l-  the name of the office of  paymen~ tlS a  precaution in case  the  order  should  be  lost  or
 le   stolen.  If the purchaser doeil  not know which Post Office  is  most  convenient  to  the
 ), [  Ta.hyee, bde  sh~uJ dhinsebrt  tb~dname of ptbe  towffin,  v.iU11ghre or distriut  wdhere  the payee resides-
 it   e  or  er  w1  11 t  en  e pa1  at any  ost  0  ce m t  e p ace name  .
  )   Cormtcrfuibs.-Every person to whom a postal  order is issued should tear off and retain
 d  the  counterfoil.  Its production  will facilitate  inquiry if the  order s.hould  be lost.
 1  I Miscmriage or  lots -Tt.e Postmaster  cannot undertake  to  consider  any  application
 ,'   respecting  a  postal  order  which  has miscarried, or which  has been lost or  destroyed,
 ,.   unless the coun terfoil  be produced,  and unle!!ll proof be given to his satil.'faction that the-
 j•   name or the payee wns inserted io ~he order before the bolder parted with it.
 ) '   After a  Postal  Order has once  been  paid, to whornsoever  it is  paid,  the  Postmaster
 ~  will  not be  liahle to any further claim.
 t    Paymml to  the  ptLblic.-Before  a  postal  order is paid the name or the payee and the
  '   name of the office or Pllymeu~ must bave beeu filled io the order  must  be properly
 d  l'eceipt.ed.
      PaymG!Illhrot<(Jh  RrLIIkfts.-H  a  postal  ot•der be  crossed, payment will  only  be  mnde
    through  a  ba1rk: and if thl!  uame of t1  bank  be  adued.  pt~oyment  will  only  be  made
    through that bank
      RtrJuyfiiGitl  In  sett(ler.-The sender oC  a  postal  order  can  obtain repayment  of  the
    amount (but nut the  poundagll)  on  presenting  the  ot·der  UDU  the  counterfoil  at  the
    issuing  Office.  IC  the  order has been  crossed for  payment  through  a  bank the  sender
 a.   must first cancel  the crvssinp: uy  writing  across  the  face  of  the  order  the  words
 r   "Pleaso pay  cash"  tmd  adding his initit1ls.
      Er"'wres,  altrrl!linll .. ~,  J:c.-lf 11ny erasure or alteration is made, or  if othe rder is cut,
 t'   dofaced, ormutil11ted, fli\YID"'Ilt  may  be refused.
  '   Postal  Order~ Ml  nenotiable.-Postal  orders  do  not,  like  Bank  of  England  notes
 ~   represent  value  in  themselves  lf  a.n  order  is  lost. or  stolen  no  person  into whose
    bands it may full, though  bimselr innocent,  is  entitled  to  receive  the amount  of  the
    order.  The rightful owoer is 9.1ooe entitled  to cnsh the order.
                            JlEPLY  COUPON5.
 il   All  countries,  whet.her  they  issue  reply  coupons  or  not,  exchange  reply  coupons:
 e   presented to them  for a stamp  or stamps represetJJing the  postage M  a ~·itl{lle-rale letter.
 i    Coupons are sold at  the :\>looey Order Office,  Kingston, for  6d.  each,  aud  are cashed
     at the rate of 3d.  for a  50·eentime. and Hd. for a  25-centime coupon.
        P05TAGE 5 r AI'l P.5,  P05TCAU0 5,  ENVI:LOPE.5,  WRAPPE.Il.5,  E tc.
     Posfa(le Stamps of the following  d~nomiuati(lns are Sold:-
      ~d., Id.,  l~d., 2d.,  2~d., 3d., 4d., 6d., ls., 2s .. 3.~., !is.,  10s.
      Bool<s ront~~cining ei~hteen Id. stamps aud twelve ~d. stampsnre issued, price 2s.
      Inland pQ.qt ca'l'ds are sold 1\t !d.  each,  ReplY paid  at Irl.;  lnteri'Udional  Post  Cn.rth
     at ld., Reply paid, 2d.
      Neut.q}1<lper wrappers are sold at ~d.  each
      RIJ{ristered LeUGr eniJr.lnpes bearing 1\ 3d. stamp embossed on  the llap for the pu.yment or
     regist.r!l.tion fee 2d. 140d post!lgB  ld. 11re sold at 3ld. enoh.
      Jt~dicial Skl.mpn  of the  values 3d.,  6d.,  1/,  2/,  5/,  and S/G sold  at all Post Offices
     where there is a demand £or thom.
      lmprei/S/!JJ Stamps! tiLle deeds aud blank slips are on sale at all Post Offices.
      Quinine is also sod at nil Post Offices in id. and ld. pnckages.
      Tbe following iB a.  description,  together witb  tbe of issuo,  of rill  postage st.'lmp
     1n oireu lat.ion:
     nation.        Description.                         Date of issue.
       id.   Jamaica Exhibition,  \891                  Nov.  12,  1920-
       ld.   ArllWak lndiu.n making NISSI\VIl   .  .   • ,   0c:t.   3,  1921
       ljd.   Contingent embarking: Inset, bead of H . .M. T\ing George   July  4,  1919
      2-d.   King's Ilouse, Spanish Town . ,            Feb.  18,  1921
      2jd.   Return  of e. Contingent   . .   . .            Do.
      3d.    "\ica discovered by Columbus, 149<1  11   April  R,  1921
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