Page 22 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 22

                       Prisoner  of  War .  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp ,  Jamaica .

      Secti on  VIII .   Censorship  handstamps  used  at  the  Camp .
      POWC  3 .   INTERNMENT  &  P .  OF  W.  CAMP/JAMAJCA.

          Whilst  this  section  basically  considers  the  Camp's  censorship  handstamps ,  the  first  item
      also  appears  to  have  been  used  as  the  Camp' s  unit  handstamp  as  it is  recorded  applied  to
      mail  already  bearing  other  markings .     The  mark  is  a  double  lined  oval ,  30  x  50mm,  with  a
      single  line  inner  oval,  between  the  two  ovals  appears  a  asterisk  on  each  side .      In  some
      markings  the  asterisks  appear  smaller  than  in  other  examples  and  whilst  the  difference
      might  only  be  due  to  the  pressure  applied  when  using  the  handstamp  it is  quite  possible
      that  the  Camp  Orderly  Room  had  more  than  one  POWC  3  handstamp .      All  the  wording  in  3mm
      high  block  sans  serif  type .   The  centre  provides  space  for  a  date  stamp,  but  marks  are
       known  without  a  date  or  with  a  manuscript  date.    The  markings  are  recorded  struck  in  both
       red  and  purple  inks .
      Red  ink       EKD :  14  December  1940                   LKD :  9  June  1941
       Purple  ink  EKD:  2  February  1941                      LKD :  16  December  1945

           Reverse  of  cover  from  curt  Ross  (Prisoner  661}  to  his  wife  in  Hamburg  with  POW  5 ,
       and  POWC  3  both  struck  in  purple  ink .   The  cover  bears  Geoffnet  re-sealing  label  of
        the  German  Military  censorship,  together  with  that  Service's  red  handstamp .        The
        POWC  3  is  dated  the  12th  May  1941 .

           Below  is  the  letter  contained  in  the  above  cover  also  bearing  POWC  3  which  appears
        to  have  smaller  asterisks  than  some  of  the  other  examples  of  POWC  3 .

                                   FRO~i ..... .. J..-..... 1!&~ ......... ······· ....... NO ... f..~ ........ ..

                                                   INTERNl\lEN'~·  C~
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