Page 26 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 26

       Section  IX.    Cards  and  Post a l  Stationery .
           During  World  War  II,  and  perhaps  World  War  I ,  the  prov1s1on  of  stationery  appears
       to  have  followed  a  natural  progression;  first  plain  envelopes  which  had  either  typed
       or  manuscript  endorsements ,  then  the  handstarnped  period  and  finally  the  printed
       stationery .    Many  of  the  printed  item  bear  requisition  notations ,  but  distinction  is
       made  below  in  respect  of  these .


           This  card  has  the  above  wording  across  the  top  in  heavy  block  serif  type ,  4  x  108mm.
       Below  appears  FROM :  No .  --- and  -NAME  --- in  smaller  serif  type,  1~ or  2~ high,  the  dots
       After  NAME  are  in  a  continuous  straight  line.     The  wording  in  framed  panel  to  the  right
       is  in  smaller  serif  type,  reading  OFFICIAL/POSTAGE/PAID.         The  card  also  bears  four
       dotted  lines  whilst  the  reverse  is  black .    All  the  printing  is  in  black  ink  and  the  card
       measures  88  x  130mm.
       EKD:  11  November  1941                                 LKD :  25  November  1943

           Card  to  the  U. S .A .  bearing  POWC  3  handstamp  dated  the  11th  November,  1941 .   It  also
       bears  handstamp  of  the  Postal  Censorsahip  Service,  PC  2 ,  No .  5 .

                                                                            ~ O~FICIAL
                                                                           p,. ~"41Difr AOE
                                                                11            t!S) PAID.
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31