Page 23 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 23

                         Prisoner  of War ,  Internment  c  amps  and  Gibraltar  C
               Further  cover  from  Cu                                             amp,  Jamaica.
                                        rt  Ross  to  his  wif
        Handstamp  and  end  orsed  by  air  mail ·  the      e  at  Hamburg  bearing  POW
        POW  5  with  G
        in  this cove;r~:n ~ilitary handsta~ Ab  ~~~~~se bears  POWC  3  dated the72~~d J8  with  PC  0/39
                                                                                                     une ,  1943  and
                    -----   s  own  overleaf .               ln  a  Slngle  line  circl  e .   The  letter  enclosed

                         •mER                                  ---


           .   Letter  from  Curt  Ro   .
                               ss  to  h~s wife  i
           ~n his  cover  sent  from  the  Camp  on  then2~~urg dated  the  17~ J une  1943  which  was  e  ne  osed
                                                  June,  1943  ·
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