Page 20 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 20

                          Prisoner  of War,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp ,  Jamaica.


         This  is  a  three  line  handstamp  with  SPECIAL  PERMISSION,  4  x  45mm,  on  the  first  line,
     a  row  of  dots  on  the  second  line  for  an  authorizing  signatu~e and  INTERNMENT  CAM:,
     2  x  3 amm  on  the  last  line .   All  the  wording  is  in  block  ser~f  type  and  the  mark  ~s
     struck  in  purple  ink .
     EKD :  17  August  1942                                  LKD :


                                American  Aid  to  ~Q'ar  Prisoners,
                                16,  Duers tein St .
                                BUFFALO ,     }T • Y •
                                U.S .A.

         There  is  now  shown  an  incoming  cover  to  the  camp  from  Nordenham,  as  in  World  War  I
     such  incoming  covers  are  rare .    The  cover  bears  Nordenhamn  dater  of  the  26ch  February,
     1941,  and  bears  on  the  reverse  German  military  censorship  resealing  label  and  handstamp
     which  were  applied  at  Cologne .    It  bears  Jamaica  Postal  Censorship  Service  handstamops ,
     POW  1,  Number  5 .   On  arrival  at  the  Camp  it also  received  the  Camp's  POWC  5  struck  in
     purple  ink.
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