Page 18 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 18

                     Prisoner  of War,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp,  Jamaica.
         POW  5 .   FROM  ---- NO .  ----

            This  is  a  further  unframed  handstamp  worded  FROM  --- - NO  ---- on  the  first  line,
         INTERNMENT  CAMP  on  the  second  line  and  JAMAICA  on  the  third  line,  a ll  the  wording
         being  in  purple  ink  in  block  serif  type,  3mm  high.
         EKD:  10  December  1941                                 LKD :  17  August  1942

            Cover  to  the  U.S . A.  bearing  POW  5  on  the  reverse  together  with  POWC  3  dated  the
         13th  July  1942 .   The  front  bears  POW  4,  POW  7  and  POW  8  a l l  i n  pur p l e  ink .   The  c over

      POW  7 .   PRISONER  OF  WAR  POST .

          Thi s  i s  a  single  line  handstamp  reading  as  above  in  3  x  58mm  block  serif  type,  The
      wording  being  underlined  by  a  single  line,  the  mark  being  struck  in  purple  ink.
      EKD :  7  June  1942                                       LKD :  3  May  1943
          Cover  to  the  U. S .A .  bearing  POW  4 ,  with  POW  5  on  the  reverse  together  with  POW  7  and
      POW 8 ,  all  the  markings  being  i n  purple  ink.   The  cover,  to  the  U. S . A.  also  bears  on
      The  reverse  POWC  3  of  the  13th  Jul y  1942 .

                                         I! /;AM..~  14.  ~tUv.  v~~;.

                                                       1A. . S. A

       POW  8 .   POSTAGE  PAID.

           This  is  a  further  unframed  single  line  marking  reading  POSTAGE  PAID  in  block  sans
       serif  type ,  4  x  46mm,  which  is  recorded  struck  in  purple  ink .
       EKD :  1  December  1941                                 LKD :  19  October  1946

           An  example  of  this  marki ng  is  shown  on  the  cover  above  to  the  U. S . A.  dated  the  13th
       July,  1942,  under  POW  7 .

           Mention  has  already  been  made  of  the  fact  that  prisoners  were  onl y  allowed  a  certai n
       number  of  letters  within  a  specific  period  and  POW  9  below  was  a  handstamp  which  showed
       that  such  an  addition  letter  over  the  authorized  quota,  or  for  some  special  purpose  was
       duly  authorized .
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