Page 16 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 16

                        Prisoner  of War ,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibra1tar  Camp ,  Jamaica.
     Section  VII.    Handstamps  used  at  the  Camp.


         This  handstamp  is  worded  as  above  in  red  bloc k  serif  type,  3  x  56mm,  enclosed  by  a
     single  line  frame ,  11  x  73mm,  and  it appears  to  one  of  the  earliest  recorded  from  the
     Camp .  By  1940  the  Camp  had  not  received  all  the  handstamps  referred  to  below  to  later,
     hence  the  manuscript  endorsements  on  the  cover  below .
      EKD :  12  March  1940                                   LKD;

         Cover  bearing  POW  3  marking  in  red  at  the  bottom  left .   On  the  reverse  is  a  manusc r i p t  e nd
     ink  reading,  Sender:  name  and  number  Kingston,  Jamaica/B . W. I/Internment  Camp/Up  Park  Camp;  i t
     at  2/2d  with  KINGSTON  dater  of  the  12 ~ March,  1 940 .   The  front  is  also  endorsed  "By  Trans  Atl
     Mail  and  is  one  of  the  few  Camp  covers  that  has  paid  postage ;  it also  bears  Postal  Censorship
      handstamp  PC  2 ,  Number  1  in  blue  ink .

                                             ~~ ~w.~ ~--­


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