Page 25 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 25

       POWC  6.   Crown/PASSED/D  number.
          This  marking  comprises  the  Imperial  Crown  at  the  top,  PASSED  in  block  sans  serif
       type,  4  x  15mm,  and  below  the  Jamaica  code  letter  "D"  with  a  forward  "slash"  with
       the  Examiner's  number.     The  marking  is  struck  in  purple  ink .   As  these  marking  are
       employed  on  a  variety  of  mail  no  dates  of  usage  are  given  here.

          An  exampl e  of  this  mark,  D/39 ,  is  shown  earlier  on  the  cover  from  Curt  Ross  sent
       On  the  21st  June ,  1943.
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