Page 24 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_PoW
P. 24

                        Prisoner  of  War,  Internment  Camps  and  Gibraltar  Camp,  Jamaica.


        This  marking  is  another  TRD  type  with  a  double  lined  oval,  the  outer  being  denticulated,
     30  x  50mm,  the  wording  as  above  being  in  3mm  high  block  serif  type.    The  centre  reads
     CHECKED  No.  1  and  the  mark  is  struck  in  purple  ink .   The  Camp  also  had  a  second  handstamp
     reading  CHECKED  No.  2,  also  struck  in  purple  ink.
     No.  1   EKD:  20  November  1945                       LKD:  19  October  1946
     No .  2   EKD:  June  1942                              LKD:  December  1942

         Reverse  of  a  Postal  Stationery  item,  POWPS  4,  written  on  6  June,  1946,  to  the  U.S.A.
     bearing  POWC  4,  No.  1.

                      Sender's Name .... ~ ·1Jl/~¥..~ ............. No ........ 9...'t.~ .... .

                     Rank ........ ~~~ ................ Servic~.~./&.:~~ .. f.. .. /..{~ ..

                                      Internment Camp, Jamaica, B.W.I .

          . There  is  now  discussed  one  of  t he  h a ndstamped  used  by  the  Postal  Censorshi p  Service
       wh~ch are  often  seen  on  the  Camp' s  mail.    As  mentioned,  mail  from  the  Camp  was  subject
       t o  the  attentions  of  the  Service .   No r mall y ,  the  Service  relied  on  the  censorship
       already  carried  by  the  Camp' s  Orderly  Room  and  one  or  other  of  the  Service' s  markings
       was  applied  to  "pass"  the  letter .


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