Page 395 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 395

Travelling Post Offices.

                    "T •P • 0 • " •

This ie a "TRl>" 't;ype dater with the noiaiion "T.'P.O." ai

th• hp ana. "lCIN~STON" at the All -the printing is

in block serif iype and the markihg is situck in pu~ple

inK. It is believed tha~ the dater was used in the

"COrpora-te Area", i.e. ~ingston and it's ehviro~enis.

EKD: •  LlU>:

61/T .., ~ .., ..., ..., ~ ,..,

 ~~ ~~ l~D ~D\l.l ~t \.:1-U

    ~Q_a_cro)J~.-1:. , o'-6 ,

                       u.~ . f)


               VIA AIR MAIL

Cover addres-uea to Cll"icago, U.S.A. bea~ihg the above daier

ot the 25ih February, 1977.
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