Page 391 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 391

Travellihg l'ori Offices.

                                   "T.P.O. 4-."
'Type 37 "TRD" da-l;e:r wonied "'r.P.o. 4'' at fhe top and

"J"AHA!CA" ai -the bottom, -the da.ter being siruok in purple


EKD: . y; ~I I '16 If



                             1HI ADOIIEH ONLY TO 11 WIUTTIN

~ostal stationery lid card addressed to ~i~gsion bearing
 "i'.l?.O. 4" da:ter of fhe 3rd Augltsi, 196~. 'l'his da:ter

 dii'fer~P :from t'he ot'he.:r "'l'.P.o. 4" dater by t'he. absence o:f

 tbe ini-tials "W'. I."· The dater was used within the

 "Corporate Area", i.e. the area of Kingston and it •s

 e,nvi ronme nt s.
   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396