Page 387 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 387

Travelling ~ost Offices.

             "T. P. 0. ; - MONTECO BAY - ST. ANN 1 S BA'!" •

During the vis1t of th~ group of collectors to the Hontego
Bay Post Office on the l?th November, 1965, and ihe
discovery Of the error oi' name, a number of' "grace and

favour'' covers posted us1ng the dater. Ag'aiH, these

are all siruck in purple ink.

EKI>: 9/11/196!5               LkD~ 1?./U/1965

                                          !>.r. Ro bert Topaz
                                          34 l·.aryellen Road
                                          ¥."aban, Z..aseachusetta 02168

                                tJ .s .A.


Grace and favour cover bearing tne incorrect dater of the

13th N'ovember, 1965', addressed to Waban, U.S.A.
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