Page 383 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 383

Travel1ing 'Post Offices.

                       •r.P.o. 2.11 •

This marking appears to be si~ilar to the first type of

"TRD" Type 37 daie.r used on route 2 in the "Kingston

Corporate Area~, but diff'ers in the position of i:he

as~erisks, in the first marking the l eft hand asterisk is

12mll'l £ro11t the "'J'" of "J'AMAICA" ana the right: hand asterisk
14WIIII fro111 the "A"; in this handsia~np the 'hand spacing

is 11mm ancl 1001m respectively. The ma'rking is; recorded

struck in purple ink.

         ..:') .                            LKD:

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,., ,., ,., ,.,""""EI<D:                          /.., ~ ~
~ o:Tk,                                           r·~,
         <;"'. SI M £
.. R                                              KG
         , €1!              t:' JAMAiCA ~
~ ro 0 .

                      De LRvR e ~J~ d =

                            CHic ~G o·tlL,tvaiS ~o &ot.

- //SA· ·------~

  Cover bearing "T.P.O. 2'' d.9ter o£ ihe 15t"h September, 1965

 addressed to Chicaga, u.s.A., there be1~ no other markings.
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