Page 378 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 378

Travelling Post Offices.

          "'I'. P. o. - M3ndeville io savanna La Ha.r."

Spe.chl "TRD" daier worded "T.P.o." in block serif type at

the top and ''Mande.ville - Savanna La th:·" in mixed serif

type at ihe bot~ON. the dat~r is struc~ in purple and

was used by the poetal clerk on t'he van fr0111 HaAAe.ville

to savanna. La. Mar.

);!I<I)t  /~ I ~J               LKD: 1. tfr/ tq~"



          - MlDUSS ONLT '10 11

Pos~al stationery lid card addressed to ~ingston bearins

the above dater of ine 1?th April, 1965. Preeumaoly ~he
card was banded to the clerk at savanna ta Mar on the

return trip a~d subee~uently sent by ordinary post £rom
~ndeville to King~on.
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