Page 382 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 382

Travelling Post Offices.
                                       "T.P.O. 2."

 Type 37 "TRD" daie-r worded "T.'P.O. 2" a-l: ihe top and

 "JAM.UCA'' at l:ne. boHom, strucl< in p~rple ink. It..

 di f'fers from {he other "T.1'. 0. 2" ctater by tbe absen<le of

 the initials "~1.1." at the boHotn end was uaed wil:hin the
 Corporate Ateau, i.e. tne ar~a o! Kintsion and it's



                   POST CAR


                         n. ADOAESS OM.Y TO • WIUTTIH ON

~o~tal statione:y card addressed to Kingston bea~ing
"T.'P.O. 2" date:r o'f -the 23rd July, 1965.
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