Page 386 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 386

Xravellinc ~ost o~~ices.

"7.P .o. 3 - M00Te(40 BAY - S'I'. ANN'S ~AY''.

'n>e first dai:er issued far ihis roul:e was a. "TRtl" type,
havin~ the wording "KOOTeao 'SAY - S'l'. ANN'S BAY" at the

top and should nave had •J"Ar1AlCA" at the bottolf!. In error,

however, -\his was spali "J"AMAIACA", all the wording being

in block serif type. "E'our daye a fter the. earliest. date

of usage recorded for i:hts mark s ~:roup of" collectors who

were vi sitittg the fo!orrl:e~o "Bay Post ofti ce to study ihe van

service system Moiiced tne error in an exa~ple or the date.r

shown to them, and the Postma~ter Qeneral at Kingston

ordered t"he oi'f'eoding dater to be re01oved from Se.rvice and

a roplace~nent dater o"'Qtained.  The rnar'kin&: is only

recorded si:r'Ucl<.. in purple ink., and sa.., service for onl :f e.

few days.

 ~KD: 9/11 1965                   LI<D: H/11/l96-5

,., .

Kegiste~d cover from Falmouth to Chicago, u.s.A. bearing

the earliest exanpl.e o£ t'hi • mar]( o£ ihe 9i:h Noveniber, 1965

khich was applied in the van in transit.
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