Page 388 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 388

1ravellinc ~ost Of£ices.

"T.P.O. 3 - HOHTf'c;O MY - ST. AHH'S :BAY".

followinc the error discovered on the previous da'\:e:r .a new

• TRO• lnar"king Wa$ obtained wi't.h the na•e "J'AifAJ CA"

correc-ted. The new nvn'ki!llr was in u,;e by la-l:e Decernbel"',

1965, and is only recol"ded struck in purple inl<.

From 'i'his and other covers, it. ap.pears 1:'hat all registered

~ail carried by the vans were additionally handstamped

wit'h the "T.J>.o.• dater, neiwitbstand:ing that t"he cover

had already receiveq tne cancellation of i'he ofiice at

which it had been re(i6tered.

~KD: "                         LW' I $' I : 6


~e,i~tered cover from Samuel ?:rospect io Chicago, u.s.A.

ba.ring on the :revel'se sa...uell'x·ospect and 'Duncans daters

o~ l.'he 2lsi December, t96S; ~ntego Bay date:r ot H-e 22n:l

Decembar, 1965, and Chica$Olle.ceiving 'l'he. coves

bears the "T.P.O." dater o:t -!:he. 22nd Decel'Ylbel", 1965, i:he

earliest date recorded.
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