Page 392 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 392

Travelling Fost Offices.

                  ''T.p .0. 4" •

The tbird - and last - o£ "Kingston Corporate Area" route

4 "TRI>" t.ype da-T.ers is like the second type except t'hat

the right nand asterisk is now on the sa~e level as the

date staoop. In tbe second type this asterisk appears

below this level . The ma~king is only recorded struck

in p~l:'ple ink.  LKD:

:-liKD: 2(11 I~

... ...




       Cover to Chicago, u.s.A. bearing "T.'P.O. 11" da.ter of the

      2nd Ap~il, 1965, ther~ beihg no othe~ malkings on the cover.
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